Thursday, September 17, 2015

Purple EDC Gear

If your favorite color is purple or you just like purple gear, then you'll know it's always been a struggle to find purple gear. There used to be maybe only 3 or so products that were in this color, but lately I've been able to find a lot more purple stuff. This makes me happy as this hobby was always centered around more masculine and boring colors, like black and silver. I'm not sure if companies are doing this just to attract more females to buy their products. Whatever the reason is, I'm very excited about it. As you can see in the picture above, I've been able to get a nice purple collection going. There's still tons of purple gear out there that I still need to pick up too. I think I'm going to start doing purple collection updates as I find more purple gear. Stay tuned for those in the coming months! If you love purple as well, hopefully you'll be able to find more purple gear through these posts. Thanks for looking!

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