Friday, January 22, 2016

Slip-n-Snip Scissors Review

I’m not a huge fan of these Slip-n-snip scissors. I did a lot of testing the past few weeks and haven’t been impressed with the results. There’s nothing wrong with them quality wise. That surprises me because of their $10 price tag. All the issues I have with them are concerning performance or ergonomics. They simply don’t feel good in the hand during use. My fingers are too small to fill out the holes. When I’m cutting, the scissors don’t stay firmly in my hand. They slide down my hand, which quickly becomes uncomfortable. It’s hard to explain, but just know they’re not comfortable in the slightest. If you have bigger fingers, these scissors would probably feel a lot better in your hands.

The other issue I have with them is the performance. They don’t cut any better than the Victorinox Classic scissors. Since they’re bigger than the Classic scissors, they’ve obviously got a longer edge. This longer edge comes in handy occasionally, but honestly isn’t a deal-breaker. The scissors just aren’t that great at cutting stuff. They aren’t very smooth when cutting.  When I’ve been using them lately, they’re squeaking loudly and are quite stiff. They are terrible at cutting paracord. They cut everything else decently well, like paper, cardboard, plastic, etc. Thicker things are a pain for these scissors to cut. The cutting edge is pretty thick itself, so that probably explains that problem. If I had to pick between the Slip-n-snip and the Victorinox Classic scissors, I’d choose the Victorinox ones every time.

I will say the concept behind them is cool. I like that they fold up, because it helps keep them a lot more compact. It’s easy to get the scissors to fold or unfold. That is the only part of the tool that is smooth. The finish on the scissors is also quite nice. There’s been no chipping or flaking in the paint at all. I am extremely happy that they made them available in purple. Those are about the only positives I can say about this tool.

It’s an interesting idea, but honestly not the best execution. The performance sucks, and that’s really what matters. For the price, they’re cool to try out, but not something I recommend. Like I’ve mentioned earlier, the Victorinox Classic have much better scissors. Thanks for looking!


  1. SOG will release soon tools from the Baton series. The SOQ Baton Q1 has scissors which work similar to these. The tool has some other goodies included.
    They are a bit expensive for my taste but maybe it's something to look for.

    1. sounds pretty interesting! I'll have to give them a look. Thanks for the heads up!
