Friday, July 29, 2016

An Alternative to the Altoids Tin

I may have finally found an alternative to my beloved Altoids tin. If you weren't aware, I used to use an Altoids tin to carry all my EDC gear. The pockets on girls clothing are absolutely worthless, so I never could carry my gear on my person. I tried an Altoids tin for a while, but it was never a perfect setup. Recently, and by recently I mean today, I started carrying my gear in a small camera pouch. I believe someone commented on my YouTube videos and said I should try out a camera pouch. Well, I finally did, and I think it could potentially be a great system.

Since this is only my first day using this system, I don't have much to say about it thus far. The pouch I found is pretty similar in size to my Altoids tin. It's the perfect size for my gear. I still do have a bit of empty space in the pouch, so I need to figure what else, if anything, I can add to it. I do expect that there will be some changed to this system as I get used to carrying it. So far, I am really liking it. I'll keep you all updated on what changes I make and how it's working out. Thanks for watching!

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