Sunday, July 31, 2016

Fenix E05 vs. FourSevens Preon P1

The Fenix E05 and FourSevens Preon P1 are both extremely similar lights. They've obviously got their differences in the design and what not. However, the amount of light they put out is similar along with a few other things. I wanted to do a little comparison post in case any of you were debating between what AAA light you should get. There is one clear winner in my mind. The better light would definitely have to be the FourSevens Preon P1 in my opinion. Let me give you a few reasons why.

So when it comes to the design, I definitely prefer the design of the Preon. In my opinion, it looks a lot classier and cleaner. It may not be as easy to grip as the E05, since it lacks knurling, but I've never had any problems with it slipping out of my hand.

Quality wise, the Preon again wins. The threads are much smoother on the Preon. That may not mean much to some. There's definitely a noticeable difference in the twisty action between these two lights. If they were clickys, it wouldn't matter at all.

As far as the actual light outputs go, they're pretty similar. The E05 has slightly more lumens with 85 as its max, while the Preon puts out 84. That's an extremely minimal difference, so you just have to decide what light fits your preferences better. The Preon does boast more modes, but honestly the various strobe and other special modes are pretty worthless in my opinion. There's a decent difference in max runtime that's worth mentioning. The Preon can run for 23 hours on low, while the E05 can only go for close to 15 hours. The Preon's low mode is dimmer, coming in at 2 lumens opposed to the E05's 8 lumens, so that explains why you get more runtime. The last thing I think is worth mentioning is the tint of the beam. I personally preferred the tint of the Preon. It just looked a lot nicer in my opinion. No matter which light you choose, you outputs will be extremely similar.

Neither light is going break the bank. You can pick up both lights for $20 at this moment in time. FourSevens put these older Preons on clearance on their website, since they recently released an updated version. This Preon is still perfectly fine, and honestly I really do recommend it. I think it's a steal for $20. The E05 is just average, and I don't think it's worth the $20.

So there's my pretty basic comparison between the two lights. Like I said, the Preon P1 is the clear winner. I think it just comes down to what your personal preference is. I've got a more in-depth review on the E05 out already and will be getting one out on the Preon sometime soon. I hope this helped you if you were looking for a good AAA light. Either one will serve you extremely well for the price. Thanks for looking!

Friday, July 29, 2016

An Alternative to the Altoids Tin

I may have finally found an alternative to my beloved Altoids tin. If you weren't aware, I used to use an Altoids tin to carry all my EDC gear. The pockets on girls clothing are absolutely worthless, so I never could carry my gear on my person. I tried an Altoids tin for a while, but it was never a perfect setup. Recently, and by recently I mean today, I started carrying my gear in a small camera pouch. I believe someone commented on my YouTube videos and said I should try out a camera pouch. Well, I finally did, and I think it could potentially be a great system.

Since this is only my first day using this system, I don't have much to say about it thus far. The pouch I found is pretty similar in size to my Altoids tin. It's the perfect size for my gear. I still do have a bit of empty space in the pouch, so I need to figure what else, if anything, I can add to it. I do expect that there will be some changed to this system as I get used to carrying it. So far, I am really liking it. I'll keep you all updated on what changes I make and how it's working out. Thanks for watching!

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Another Interest of Mine: Reading

I'd like to start talking about more of my interests on this site. I still love knives and everything. I'd just like to diversify a bit, so I never get too bored of one specific topic. I'm going to do several of these type of posts over the next little while. These posts will introduce you all to what other interests I have and give you an idea on what you can expect me to talk about on here in the future.

Another interest of mine is reading. I absolutely love to read. From a pretty young age, I was always reading something. My taste in books has changed over the past few months. I'm finally free from high school, where I was forced to read books that I wasn't particularly fond of. I primarily read Young Adult books. The genres I'm interested range from mystery to action to historical fiction. I'll pretty much read anything. I'm not the biggest fan of science fiction, but that's probably the only genre I avoid. I've also recently gotten into nonfiction books more. I used to believe that nonfiction stuff was super boring and useless. That is most definitely not the case. The most recent nonfiction book I finished was Bridge of Spies. I don't like a lot of Adult fiction books, because I find the authors use all these huge words that don't need to be used. Most of the population does not have an advanced vocabulary, so what's the point of using fancy words in the first place. I did read one recently, and it was actually one of the better books I've ever read. That book was The Martian, and I definitely recommend you check it out.

So what kind of posts can you all expect on my interest in reading? Maybe I'll post about what books I'm reading at the moment. I also might do some book reviews if I find a book is good enough to warrant one. There's really endless possibilities when it comes to books. Just expect to see more variety in my posts in the future. Thanks for looking!