Sunday, April 30, 2017

What I Read: April 2017

I've had a pretty good month when it comes to reading. If you didn't see my post in March, I'm trying to read 52 books this year. With six completed books this month, I'm at a total of 21 books for the year. Here's my thoughts on the books I've finished in April.

1. Furiously Happy by Jenny Lawson
This was a very funny book and one I'd definitely recommend. It was the memoir of a lady that has dealt with mental illness, anxiety, etc. I've never personally dealt with any sort of mental illness, so it was interesting to hear the perspective of someone that has. I'm excited to read some of her other books this summer.

2. The Ghost Map by Steven Johnson
This is a non-fiction book about a disease that hit London in the 1800's. It talked all about the outbreak, the effects on society, and all the struggles that scientists had coming up with a solution to the disease. This book dragged on in places, but it was pretty interesting overall. The author was very well-researched.

3. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
The basic plot of this book is that a man's wife goes missing and needs to be found. There's so many messed up things that happen in the hunt for her. I finished this book pretty quickly, because it was so good and full of suspense. Definitely recommend it.

4. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson
This book is crime fiction about a journalist having to investigate the disappearance of a teenager. Just like Gone Girl, there's a lot of messed up things that happen in this book. I really did enjoy the plot. It was another book that I was able to read quickly. I didn't like the beginning all that much, but it got so much better as you got farther in.

5. The Gemini Virus by Wil Mara
I didn't enjoy this book that much. It wasn't really anything spectacular. There's a virus that breaks out in a small town that begins to completely ravage parts of the world. It was interesting to hear about how scientists attempted to create a vaccine for the virus. I didn't like very many of the characters. This book just didn't click with me for some reason.

6. How Google Works by Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenburg
This book was written by two of the people that run Google. I didn't realize that this book was mostly business advice, but I did still come away with some good knowledge. I'm very interested in the technology industry, so this gave me an insight in how some of those companies are run. One piece I really liked was a short blurb about how important data and statistics is. That's what I'm studying in college, and it's cool to know that sort of field is useful.

That's all the books I've finished this month. Summer is quickly approaching, which means I should be able to read a lot more. I've got a lot of cool books on my to-read list for the summer. Thanks for looking!

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