Tuesday, December 31, 2019

I'm A College Graduate!

Happy almost New Year's! I hope you've had a relaxing holiday season. It's crazy that it'll be 2020 tomorrow. As you may know, I've been in college for the past three years and finally graduated this fall semester! I'm so happy to be done and can't wait to move onto my post-grad life. College was good overall but not entirely what I expected. It still felt too similar to high school and didn't entirely line up with my career plans. I did learn a lot, especially about how I want to live my life and be as a person. It's an awesome feeling to know that I'm completely done with school now.

My whole life is in a state of disarray at the moment, so bear with me as I get settled. I'll be moving, starting my full-time job, and hopefully buying my first home all at the start of the new year. I'm planning on keeping the blog going at least, though I'm not sure about YouTube. One other place I'd like to be more active on is Instagram, which I know I've been saying forever. If I don't end up coming back to YouTube, IG will probably be the main place where I end up selling my gear. I'm definitely going to be getting rid of a large chunk of gear at some point, since I don't use the majority of it.

Now that I'm in a new stage of life, I've got some much needed changes I'd like to make to my EDC. I feel like I was in a rut with my carry since I was a student for so long. Stay tuned for posts on my EDC changes, along with the usual collection/reading updates, gear thoughts, and other random posts. Graduating college was a great way to end 2019, and I'm looking forward to 2020! Thanks for sticking around and for all of the support over the years!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Ally, I wish you all the best in the new year, and look forward to your new adventures as your life moves beyond school.

