Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Reading Goals For 2020

Hey everyone! I hope you all have had a great start to 2020 so far. With the new year comes new goals and expectations. I don't usually set any specific resolutions for myself; however, I do like to set some reading goals since I track my reading stats. I try to keep them relatively simple so I don't stress myself out too much trying to hit them. I ended up with three main goals for the year.

My first goal is to read 150 books. I've read over 200 books the past few years when reading was practically all I did in my free time. That obviously didn't leave me with much time for other hobbies, so this year I'm cutting my goal down to 150. That seems a lot more manageable with me working full-time now. Hopefully that leaves me with some extra flexibility to get back into playing video games, hiking, photography, etc.

My second goal is to try to be more balanced with what I'm reading. I want to make sure I'm not just reading from the same type of authors. I enjoy hearing about other people's perspectives and always end up learning things I hadn't considered before. The author's gender is one aspect of this goal, though I'd also like to try to read a more even amount of fiction/nonfiction and books based outside the US.

My last goal has been a goal of mine for a few years which is to read all of the physical books I own. I desperately wanted to accomplish this before I moved out of my college apartment, just so I wouldn't have as much to move out. Unfortunately, that never happened. I've still got about 40 or 50 books of mine that I need to read. I also want to try to read all of the books on my Kindle. I've hoarded a bunch over the years that I've never gotten around to actually reading. I'm the type of person that keeps checking out more books at the library, even though I've already got a healthy stack to go through. This is probably the goal I'd like to achieve the most out of the bunch.

That's about it for this post. I wanted to keep it short and sweet, since it primarily serves as a way for me to speak these into action. Hopefully I can knock these out of the park before December 31 hits. Thanks for looking!

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