Sunday, March 12, 2017

Q&A #1

To celebrate reaching 1,000 subscribers on my YouTube channel, I wanted to do a little Q&A. All these questions came from a video I posted a couple days ago. This is the first time I'm using questions from YouTube to do a post on here, so hopefully you all like the format. Thanks to everyone who asked a question! Let's start answering them!

Q from Shiny Knife: Did you ever decide on what gun to buy?
A: As of now, I'm leaning more towards getting an AR-15. I'd like to do a build over buying one, but we'll see how that goes. I didn't realize how expensive guns were, so I need to get a lot of money saved. Hopefully, I'll have one by the end of the year.

Q from PREPFORIT: Will you do a hiking/camping video?
A: That's a pretty good idea for a video. I wouldn't mind doing something like that, but I feel like having to film when I'm out hiking or something would take away from the experience if that makes sense. I go hiking to escape the world/all the technology that surrounds us. If I can figure out a way to film that doesn't take over the whole hike, I'd definitely go for it. I take a lot of pictures when I'm hiking, so taking a few short video clips wouldn't be that hard either. I'll definitely consider it. I live in a great area for hiking, and it'd be cool to show some of it off. I could do some blog posts showing some of the photos I've taken so far as well.

Q from PREPFORIT: Do you play any survival video games like 7DTD?
A: I do play video games, but not any survival ones. I honestly didn't know they were a thing. I'll have to look into this game though. It sounds pretty cool. I play more Nintendo stuff than anything. I have a PS4 and have been looking for some new games to play over the summer. That'd also be cool to make some videos on in the future.

Q from steyr proof: Biggest regret purchase?
A: I've regretted a lot of my purchases lately, but the biggest regret was the Spyderco Paramilitary 2. I had a lot of excitement for that knife and was extremely disappointed in the end. When you pay that much for a knife, you expect to love it. It's a shame, but at least I got to give it a try.

Q from Elias Cervantez: Are you a truck or car girl?
A: I've exclusively driven cars, so I'd guess that makes me a car girl. Trucks are cool and all, but I don't have much use for one. I'd rather have a small car that gets good gas mileage.

Q from Bailey Reyna: Where do you live?
A: I live in the good ol' state of Virginia.

Q from CedricAda Gear and Outdoors: What are you three favorite gear channels and three favorite general channels on YouTube?
A: Not gonna lie, I really don't watch any gear channels anymore. All the people I used to watch stopped posting, and I haven't ever found any new channels to replace them. One channel I recently found that I really like is Fun With Knives. He posts a lot of good knife videos that are fun to watch. I definitely need to find some more gear channels to watch. I do watch the occasional GideonsTactical video. I know you post a lot of videos, so I really need to check those out soon.

As far as general channels go, I watch a lot of vloggers mostly. I try to watch people in college, since I find their videos more relevant to my life. One of my favorite channels is Josh Katz. He's a skater, but he also does videos on books, photography, hiking, and vlogs. I like how much he diversifies his channel, because there's no way I'd be subscribed if he just did skating videos. I'd like to have my channel be that diversified eventually. I also love the Saturday Night Live channel. All there sketches are hilarious. The last channel I'd say is MissFenderr/MissAlaynaa. Those are her two different channels, and she covers a lot of topics on both. I really like her personality, so that makes her fun to watch.

Q from North Florida Girl: Is there anything about college life that was better or worse than you expected?
A: College isn't exactly like I expected it to be, but I still really enjoy it. Most of it's been pretty good. The thing that's worse than I ever expected is my roommate. I don't want to get into a lot of details, but it's a terrible situation. Luckily, I'll never have to see her again in two months. I absolutely love the freedom and independence of college. The classes so far are kind of eh, but that's to be expected since they're all general classes. I'm very much looking forward to the summer.

Q from deckard313: Since you're a college girl, any thought on your major?
A: Yeah, in fact I got into my major back in January. I originally went in undecided, but I always knew I wanted to do something involving math or computers. My major has a really long name, but essentially it's a combination of statistics, computer science, and math.

That's it for all the questions. I really enjoyed answering the questions like this, so I definitely think I'll do another one in the future. I'll probably alternate between doing video answers and blog answers. Thanks a ton to everyone who asked a question! I really enjoyed answering them all! Stay tuned for more videos soon! Thanks for looking!

1 comment:

  1. I think you would love Nutnfancy on youtube. Tons of edc, camping, hiking, and firearms.. great guy
