Friday, March 3, 2017

Quick Update For March 2017

Hey everybody! Sorry I haven't post much in the past week or so. I was just finishing up midterms, so I didn't have much time to get any posts together. Luckily, I'm on spring break now, and my goal is to get a lot of videos and posts put together. I really want to get a lot of my gear sold over the next week, but that all depends on how many things I can get reviewed. Hopefully I can at least get a few things reviewed and sold.

That's honestly the only real update I've got. I know, that's pretty lame and makes for too short of a post. I'm enjoying the flashlights I'm borrowing for the next couple weeks. Check out the previous post if you don't know what I'm talking about. I also recently purchased a classic FourSevens Preon P2, so expect to see that in some videos eventually. I recently finished a few books too, so I might do some type of book reviews on those. Other than that, expect all the typical posts I've been doing. If I actually get a lot of reviews done, expect the next month or two to be heavily focused on review posts. It feels like I haven't made any in-depth reviews in a while, so I need to get back on my game. Stay tuned for more videos and what not! Thanks for looking! Sorry this post wasn't full of too many cool updates. I promise more cool stuff will be coming!

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