Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Lots of New Gear!

So this looks like it'll be the final gear haul type post of the summer. I don't anticipate buying new gear for the next few months, as college starts back up and I've got textbooks/food/other crap to buy. I have gotten to try a lot of gear over the course of the summer, so that should at least tide me over for a little while. I got a package in this past weekend from my good friend Laura. She's been watching my channel ever since I first started, and we've been giving gear back and forth to each other over the years. She's always super generous and sent me a heck of a lot of cool gear for my birthday! She's also loaning me a Benchmade to try for a little bit, which will be awesome. Huge thank you to her, because she definitely went above and beyond! I really appreciate it girl!

So from Laura, I got a sick variety of things. The Benchmade I've got on loan from her is the 705, which she was telling me is the older version of the 707 sequel and a smaller version of the 710. Initially, I like this 705 a lot. Benchmade's are always so smooth and the Axis lock is a joy to play with. The smaller size is super nice for EDC too. I'm excited to see how it carries. 

The other black knife is the Sanrenmu 681. I've heard a lot about Sanrenmu over the years, but never tried one for some reason. They make nice budget options, and I believe a lot of them are on the smaller side. This one is great quality and has super smooth action. The ergos are pretty comfortable, and it even has a clip, which is something you don't see a lot on smaller knives. 

She also threw in a SingFire 348 flashlight that reminds me a lot of the design of the Preon. It's a very sleek and simple light that is pretty bright. I like the design of it, so it'll be interesting to see how it carries. 

Laura is super awesome and threw in three different Victorinoxs: the Pioneer, Minichamp, and the Adventurer, which has a locking blade. I love the alox on the Pioneer/Minichamp and really dig the camo on the Adventurer. I had an alox Cadet a few years ago, but sold it because the tool set wasn't that different from what I usually carried. The Pioneer seems like a better option, since it's got an awl, which I could see being very handy. I'd never seen the Adventurer before, but it really intrigues me. The fact that it has a locking blade is really neat, and I could see myself throwing it in my hiking bag. It has different ergos than most Victorinoxs, which is pretty neat. It feels pretty comfortable in the hand. The Minichamp is a tool that I've wanted to try ever since I first got into knives. I love the size of my Classic, so the Minichamp seemed like a natural choice to pick up. I'm really impressed with the toolset they were able to fit in such a small package. It'll be cool to see whether it can knock the Classic off as my favorite multitool. 

And last but not least, on the same key ring as the Minichamp is the CRKT Snailor and a cool paracord lanyard. I've never gotten into paracord much, but I really dig the pattern and size of this one. The Snailor came out this year and is so much tinier than I expected. I think it looks really cute. Not sure how it'll function as a bottle opener, but at least it looks cool. They're pretty affordable too, less than $10 I believe. 

Again, thank you so much to Laura for everything! I can't wait to carry everything and see how it works out in my carry! I've also got one other thing to show you all that I picked up on Amazon. I'm trying to revamp my EDC bag and haven't been happy with how I've got everything organized within it. I've tried so many different pouches and cases, but nothing is exactly what I need. I need a case that is both versatile enough to hold a wide range of things and compact enough to not take up a ton of room in my bag but still hold a lot. You never know what you need to carry in an EDC bag, so I need something with a lot more versatility. I've absolutely loved the little Case Logic camera pouch I use to hold my EDC, so I decided to look at what they offer as a brand. I found two different camera cases that seem like they'd work out for me. I couldn't decide between one over the other and figured why not try out both. Both were around $20, so not like they'd break the bank. I think whichever one I prefer will be used in my EDC bag, and the other will actually be used as a camera bag for my GoPro, since that is what they're meant for. I'm not happy with the camera bag I currently use for my GoPro, so this purchase has the opportunity to be a double whammy. Here's a quick look at the one I'm thinking I'll use in my EDC bag. I really like how the organization is done. Camera bags always seem to be designed well with tons of versatility, so I'm thinking it will work out quite nicely. Stay tuned for a bag loadout video within the coming weeks once I get my bag all organized.

I'm super impressed with this case for the money. I love the bright orange interior! It looks cool and helps you see the contents inside. It's so bright I actually had to change my camera settings so you all could see it clearly. I'm very excited to see this thing full once I get it organized. I think I'm really going to like it. Thanks for looking! There will be tons of new videos on all this stuff sometime soon!

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