Saturday, July 28, 2018

What I Watched: July 2018

Hey everybody! Another month down, another what I watched wrap-up. This will probably be the most disappointing wrap-up yet, because I've watched little to no TV shows or movies this month. I think I've watched one movie in July and that's it. I've been busy studying for some career related exams which has consumed my entire life. I'm trying not to let myself watch much of anything until I'm done with the exams in mid-August. I have traded my typical TV time for some YouTube time though, so maybe I'll talk about the channel I've been mostly watching.

I do want to talk a little about one movie I finished at the end of June that didn't make my wrap-up. If you saw one of my last posts about my recent library pickups, I had checked out Justice League and Wonder. I enjoyed both, but Wonder is the one that far exceeded my expectations. It was so heartwarming. I was surprised to see myself get so invested in the family. I would highly recommend it! It's probably going to be one of my favorite movies I've watched this year.

I normally only see a few movies in theaters a year, and Ocean's 8 happened to be one of them. The trailer looked very cool, so I had high expectations. Plus, I of course wanted to support an all woman heist film. It wasn't exactly what I expected, but it was still good. I loved all the cast and thought it was clever. Was it the best? No, though I don't think it was a waste of my time.

I've got no updates on TV shows unfortunately. I don't want to start any new ones, since I'm the type of person that will binge the series in a matter of days/weeks depending how many episodes are out. I don't have the time to get sucked into that black hole right now. Hopefully I can watch a lot of stuff before school starts. Season 4 of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and I believe season 3 of Last Chance U recently came out, so I'm eagerly waiting to start them.

YouTube has been my primary source of entertainment. Birdshot IV is my absolute favorite channel at the moment. I can't believe I hadn't watched any of their stuff until about a month ago. They are hilarious, informative, and just have a ton of great content. I love seeing the relationship between Frankie and Bird. If you somehow haven't heard of their channel, you need to check it out. They've always got all sorts of new EDC gear to talk about. I've been going back and watching a lot of their older reviews/EDC updates on stuff that I've always been interested checking out. Sorry this wasn't as interesting of a post. I wish I had more things I could talk about. That should all change in a little over three weeks luckily. Thanks for looking!

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