Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Gear I'd Like To Try In 2019

With the new year in full swing now, I thought it'd be fun to talk about some of the gear I'm hoping to pick up over the course of 2019. After I have my long delayed gear sale, I should have some money burning a hole in my pocket for a few of these things at least.

Like I mentioned in one of my last posts, the Spyderco Para 3 LW is my most anticipated new release of 2019. I've already pre-ordered it on Blade HQ, now I'm just eagerly awaiting until it ships. I'm hoping it's comparable to the Ontario Rat 2 which is one of my favorite mid-sized knives.

Going along with the FRN theme, one of the only other knives I see myself buying this year is the Spyderco Chaparral LW. I saw this side-by-side with the Dragonfly and was surprised by how small it was. I've liked the large majority of Spyderco's FRN knives I've tried, so hopefully this one will be just as good.

I've had my eyes on a USB rechargeable Streamlight Microstream since last year. I like the original Microstream but wish it was a little brighter. I believe this USB version is 250 lumens max which is more than enough for my needs. It'd be neat to add a red flashlight to my collection too.

I'm running out of room in my Pelican 1120 and will eventually need some additional storage space. I've been hearing a lot of good things about these Apache cases from Harbor Freight and thus the 1800 has made it onto this list. It'd be nice to get something different from the Pelican, and the price for these (less than $15) is a steal. I'm thinking I'll keep my knives/multitools in the Pelican and flashlights/miscellaneous things in the Apache. I'll do an update post on my storage once I pick one up.

These are all the main things I'm interested in at the moment. I'm disappointed that I haven't seen too many new releases that have caught my eye. Kershaw and CRKT's new lineups were big letdowns for me. Normally they have a few standouts but all of their knives just look like the same 3+ inch black/gray folders. I'll probably just stick to older knives from a few years ago once I try everything on my current wishlist. Hopefully you'll see these things on here and in videos at some point this year. Thanks for looking!

1 comment:

  1. I also can't wait for the Para 3 Lightweight! It will be my first compression lock, as well as first from the PM series.

    I'm ordering a Sub Kalashnikov too, let me know if you want me to lend it to you for your channel - just reply to your DM on Instagram
