Saturday, February 9, 2019

What I Watched: January 2019

Over my winter break I had intended to make a huge dent in my Netflix watchlist. I somewhat succeeded in regards to movies, though I didn't make much progress on TV shows. It's hard to commit the time to a five plus season show with hour long episodes, so movies have become my go-to choice when I need a bit of entertainment.

Speaking of movies, some of my favorites were Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, Halloween (the newer 2018 one), Baby Mama, BlacKkKlansman, and Crazy Rich Asians. I watched the new Tomb Raider from last year and finally got around to seeing the original with Angeline Jolie. It was funny to see how outdated all the special effects were. I love horror movies so the new Halloween was right up my alley. I watched the original during the fall but found it lackluster. I accordingly set my expectations low for the 2018 one, yet I really enjoyed it. Jamie Lee Curtis did a great job acting and seeing how she prepared her house for Michael Myers was really cool. It was one of the few cases where I preferred a modern version over the original classic. Baby Mama is an older rom-com with Amy Poehler and Tina Fey who always make a hilarious duo. It's all about Amy Poehler being the surrogate mother for Tina Fey, which of course entails a whole lot of drama. This movie was from 2008, and it was weird to see how different Amy Poehler looked. BlacKkKlansman and Crazy Rich Asians were probably my top 2 of that group. It was neat to see some different perspectives in Hollywood for a change. Both are books as well which I'd like to read at some point this year. I watched a ton of other mediocre movies like Venom, Class Rank, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Incredibles 2, and The Fast and the Furious. I have to admit, I think Marvel is overdoing it with all the spinoffs/remakes with all of their superheros. Venom was alright but it didn't blow me away. This month I'd like to watch the handful of movies I left on my watchlist, like Thor Ragnarok, Coraline, and some of the other Fast and Furious movies. I'm also hoping to see Happy Death Day 2U in theaters.

Like I mentioned earlier, I haven't started many new shows. I generally prefer shows that last 30 minutes but I've watched most of the short ones that interested me. I did watch season 2 of QB1: Beyond The Lights which focuses on high school football players. It's crazy to me how hovering the parents of the star players are and how far the schools/coaches take high school football. I finished season 3 of Daredevil in December and am sad it's finally over. I also watched Dear White People seasons 1-2 during December too, and it was one of those shows that completely sucked me in. As far as shows I'd like to start this month, season 3 of One Day At A Time is at the top of my list with season 3 of A Series Of Unfortunate Events and season 2 of the Punisher probably next after that. That's it for January. Thanks for looking!

1 comment:

  1. Nice post! But don't let this distract you from the fact that Hector is gonna be running 3 Civics with Spoon engines, and on top of that, he just came into Harry's and ordered 3 T-66 turbos with NOS and a Motec system exhaust.
