Saturday, September 28, 2019

Long Awaited Updates!

Hi everyone! As I'm sure you all could tell, I've been on a break from posting on here and YouTube for the past couple of months. I really wanted to make this the year where I posted consistently every month, but I ended up putting this knife stuff on the back burner. The summer is usually when I slightly lose interest in EDC since I don't have any pocket space to carry anything. That's exactly what happened again this year. I feel out of touch with what's been going on in the EDC world, so if I missed anything cool, definitely let me know! Now that fall is here though, I'll be back to wearing a jacket which will give me the chance to starting carrying all of my gear again.

I've got about eight posts in progress from the summer, like my top 5 EDC knives and flashlights, old reviews, and comparisons between different knives. On top of those, I'd like to get back to posting my what I've been reading and watching updates every month. I've also still got a huge backlog of gear that I need to finish reviewing. Once I've gotten all of my own gear reviewed, I'm probably going to have a substantial sale to thin out the herd. I'm graduating at the end of this year and would like to put aside more money for post-grad life.

Fall weather also means I'll be getting back into hiking. I've recently finished acquiring gear to start going backpacking and am hoping to go on my first overnight trip within the next month. I'll be posting about both of those throughout the rest of the year.

I'm not sure at what capacity I'll make my return to YouTube. Honestly, there's nothing drawing me back to it right now. Who knows if/when that will change. I've said it in the past, but blogging is definitely what I prefer doing. It's much easier for me to do and is something I look back on for my own reference.

So yeah, that's about it for now. I had an awesome summer and can't wait to graduate! Expect to see some more posts on here and potentially some YouTube videos in the future. I'm thinking I'll be posting once a week at the minimum to make sure I have a constant flow of posts. I might also try to get back into Instagram, maybe posting shortened gear reviews and more of my outdoor adventures. Thanks for sticking with me! I'm excited to be back!


  1. It is amazing to have you back,looking forward to everything :-)..glad to hear you had an awesome summer!

  2. Welcome Back Ally. For instagram inspiration, look at Patch_Me_In I've been doing one minute mini reviews of equipment, books, and subject thoughts on survival. Give it a try, maybe "Ally's EDC Minute" might be worth while and much less hassle.
