Wednesday, October 2, 2019

First Hike of the Fall!

I'm so happy it's officially fall now since I hate the summer heat. It's still a little too hot and humid here in Virginia, but hopefully fall temperatures are on the way soon. Last weekend I did an eight mile hike in the New River Valley, checking out the Cascades and Barney's Wall. I definitely recommend hiking both if you're in the area. Here's a link to information about them from HikingUpward.

The main draw of the Cascades is a 69' waterfall. It's probably the biggest waterfall I've seen so far and a great sight! Throughout the hike, you can hear the water roaring in the distance which is pretty soothing.

I hung out taking some photos of the falls and then continued onto Barney's Wall. I had heard this was a pretty easy hike overall, but it definitely kicked my butt. 

I was happy to see this view after a harder than expected uphill climb.

Barney's Wall has some massive cliffs. The leaves were starting to change color some too. I imagine it'd be an ever better view during the peak fall colors.

There were some awesome views of the surrounding mountains! It was relaxing to sit up here since I was the only one on the trail at the time.

I used my trusty Camelbak bag as my day pack, and it worked out quite well. I didn't bring much with me, just enough water/snacks, first aid kit, and my nicer camera. All in all, it was a fun way to spend my Saturday morning. Thanks for looking!


  1. Looks like a beautiful place.

    I'm going out to a local park for a radio club meeting, for some AM radio DXing (Trying to pick up long distant stations). Being the park isn't a neighborhood with dirty power supplies of big screen tv's and computers and such.

    I'll try to post some pics on IG, when I do.

  2. This hike looked amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing!!! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    -Aaron @every_day_aaron
