Saturday, February 20, 2021

State of knifegirlAlly

Hi everyone! I know it's been quite a while since I posted on here. That seems to be the common cycle these past couple of years. I get really into posting and then go silent for months or a year at a time. I've been spending more time recently looking into what I've missed in the community. I figured I'd put out an update and let you all know what to expect going forward.

Starting with YouTube, I ended up setting all my videos to private back at the beginning of this year. I hadn't posted in a while anyways, and it's honestly something I don't want up at this moment. I originally started uploading videos when I was a freshman in high school in 2012. A lot has changed since then, and I don't have the same interest in being on YouTube anymore. I don't watch any EDC videos these days and don't have much to add in terms of content. I'm not buying any new gear either, so my EDC stays pretty consistent. I decided not to permanently delete everything, since I did that once and regretted it. Who knows, maybe I'll make them public again in the future. I apologize to anyone that enjoyed the videos. 

For the blog, I'm still planning to post occasionally as I have free time. With everything going on with the pandemic, I want some sort of creative outlet and this is the perfect place for that. I've always wanted to finish writing about all of the gear I own, so I'm still interested in working on. I'm getting into backpacking which I may start posting about too. There may be other random posts, as I've always felt I've had more flexibility with what I can post on here.

I'm still undecided on whether I'll get back into posting on Instagram. I find the platform really annoying, since they littered it with ads and took away chronological posting. It's way too hard to keep up with the accounts I care about. Again, it's one of those things where I don't feel like I have much to add since my carry stays the same.

I'll keep it brief for now, but stick around for more posts in the future, though no promises on any sort of frequency. Thanks for keeping up with me all these years! It's crazy to think I've been doing this for so long and am now out in the real world. Unfortunately, it's not the the post-college life I expected though. I appreciate the support and have enjoyed getting to know all of you. Please let me know if there's anything you'd like to see me post about. It's not as easy to have the community aspect on here, but the comments do work and my email is always open.


  1. Hey Ally,

    Glad to see a positive sign of life out of you, considering the problems with the pandemic.

    I myself am back to the 1990's as in I permanently left FB/IG due to censorship and outright death threats, all for me posting a picture a American flag patch on my hat!!! >:( I now am contemplating leaving Blogger(a Google platform)for Wordpress as soon as I get my financial situation stabilized due to COVID layoffs, and being suspended(non-disciplinary)from work several times, due to Co-workers coming down with it in my immediate working area. I've yet to suffer from COVID, BTW.

    That said I have a interesting little side note as it pertains to you and me..... During the winter my radio hobby includes trying to receive AM radio stations from dusk up to 2 hours after sunset to log as many different stations as possible.

    On the night of 16th February (2021), I caught a strange mix of orchestral and jazz music along with NPR news feed.

    The stations call letters.......WWVT (AM 1260)!!!!! One of Virginia Techs campus radio stations sporting 5,000 watts transmitting power during the day, and only 25 watts at night. And I heard it at 25 watts hear in Springboro!!! Considering the other stations on the frequency causing interference with the signal, I was impressed, I picked the signal out at all. It's My 216th station I've logged. I'm up to 223 stations heard, BTW (I know I'm a weird, hopeless nerd.... :P ). When I looked up the station info, and realized it was in Christiansburg, VA you popped into my head.

    I hope all is well with your new job. I hope it's all you expected it to be, and paying well. :)

    I'm currently working for a firm that produces forensics equipment, and I build whole pieces of equipment from scratch every 2 days or so. I love it for it involves electrical, electronics,and robotics all rolled in to one. I hope to get permanently hired on when this COVID emergency ends, thus thawing a current hiring freeze the company has.

    Stay Healthy,


  2. I had figured you would stop because of college and this little thing with covid still on going and I can understand it I was thinking about doing YouTube but it's becoming hostile to anything to do with knives and gun's and so has Instagram on a happier thought have you ever decide on buying a gun and how did you make your decision on it? Stay safe and keep up the good work.
