Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Olight i3E Thoughts

I'm very impressed with this Olight i3E for the price. It's crazy that a $10 flashlight could be so great. All the different color options and the simple design are some of my favorite parts about this light. I definitely would recommend you pick one up. It'd be a great light to give to people just getting into EDC or as a keychain/backup light.

The quality of this light is great. It's extremely well made, and I've had no quality issues with mine. The threads are very smooth.

The design of this light is very simple. There is a single mode on this light. I didn't think I'd like that at first, but I like how straight to point it is. There is machining all over the light that helps provide some extra grip. This is a twisty light that is easy to operate one or two-handed. It's got a keychain attachment for easy attachment to your keychain. It comes in tons of different color options too. I love the purple!

The output is pretty good for a single AAA battery. It puts out 90 lumens for an hour. I think that's a pretty good output/runtime for the price. That's obviously not the best on the market, but it's perfectly adequate for basic EDC tasks. The beam has a nice tint to it. It's not a purplish tint like some cheap lights out there.

All in all, I think this is a great light for the money. For $10, you're getting a pretty bright light in a small size. I like all the color options and the simplicity of a single mode. I'd definitely recommend it. It's nice to have this around as a backup light. This is the flashlight I'd give to friends and family trying to get into EDC. If you want a light similar in size/price, also check out the Thrunite T01. The T01 has no color options besides black, but it puts out 125 lumens for 40 minutes. I'll also be posting a review of the T01 soon. Be sure to check out that i3E. Thanks for looking!

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