Monday, May 1, 2017

Another Interest Of Mine: Video Games

I think it's time to start bringing more posts about another hobby of mine to the blog. Video games are a pretty big part of my carry when I've got more free time. I don't carry a gaming device with me at all times, but during times like the summer and weekends, I've always got at least one close by. Summer is quickly approaching, and I'm planning to catch up on a lot of games. I mostly game with handheld consoles. I'm not too into PC gaming besides games like Sims. I've got a PS4 that I like for sports and action/first-person shooter games.

I'm a huge Nintendo fangirl. I grew up playing the Game Cube and Game Boy Advance. One of my favorite consoles is the 3DS. Nintendo has handheld consoles locked down. I picked up a Switch on launch day, and that's an amazing console too. I haven't gotten to play it all that much yet, since I left it at home while I'm at college. I did play during most of my spring break, and I think there's a lot of potential in the system. Breath of the Wild is insanely good. Such amazing graphics, and the world is so fun just to explore. I just picked up Mario Kart 8 Deluxe that I'm eagerly awaiting to play once I get home.

The PS4 is my other main gaming system. It doesn't get as much use as my handheld consoles, just because it's not as portable and the games available aren't as much fun to me. The graphics are great, and most of the games have awesome story lines. I'm a big fan of the Mafia series and have played a couple of hours of Mafia III so far. Uncharted is another series that I love to play. I don't have as many games for the PS4, so I think I'm going to try to pick up a few more this summer.

Be prepared to see more posts relating to video games. I'll be doing some posts about my favorite games, consoles, etc. I think I'll do a post on the Switch once I get back from school. There's always new games and consoles coming out, so that should make for an endless amount of fun to post about. Thanks for looking! I hope you all are excited to hear about another one of my hobbies.

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