Monday, May 15, 2017

My Undying Love For Foursevens' Classic Preons

I had been trying to write the review for the FourSevens updated Preon P2 that a guy had kindly let me borrow from him. I really thought I liked the idea behind the updates that FourSevens made to the Preon line, but I think deep down I knew nothing could compare to the classic Preons. I've got a blue Preon P1 and a green Preon P2. I'd have to say, of all the flashlights I've tried, these are probably the best lights I have ever owned. I've tried all sorts of flashlights from FourSevens to Nitecore to Thrunite to Fenix. Yet I always come back to the classic Preons. Maybe my hunt for the perfect flashlight is a waste of time. Maybe these classic Preons are as good as it gets. I remember thinking that my biggest gripes were that these classic Preons simply weren't bright enough because they didn't even reach above 300 lumens. I think I've been so blinded by the fact that I need to find the brightest flashlight available. It seems like everyone in the EDC community is after the smallest and brightest flashlight possible. Quite frankly, my 80ish lumen P1 has never once been too dim for me. If there is ever time it is, I've got the P2 that's probably around 200 lumens, maybe a little less.

There's just so many things these classic Preons do well. Sure they may not be the most technologically advanced, lacking features like mode memory or customizable configuration levels. Their design is awesome though. It's simple and sleek. I had always been accustomed to lights with crap tons of knurling or machining, but I've found all that isn't really necessary. The quality is great. I've never had any issues with either of my Preons. All the color options is really what gets me. I love my colorful gear. I think you all that have watched my videos know that. FourSevens really knew what they were doing when it came to colors. They offered such a wide variety of different color options. The colors of my Preons are so vibrant and cool looking. I've never quite seen shades of these colors from other companies before. That's one huge reason I can't seem to find any better flashlights. Even if I find flashlights that are brighter/better suited for EDC, they usually only come in black. At this point in time, I can't really make myself buy any black gear. I've structured my whole collection around colorful gear, and it'd be too weird to introduce boring colors back into it.

I'm hoping my perfect flashlights were right under my nose the whole time. That must be the reason that I always come back to these classic Preons. I think I'll still occasionally buy flashlights that interest me, but I don't think anything can dethrone these classic Preons. Thanks for looking!

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