Friday, June 1, 2018

Pokka Pens First Impressions

Hey everybody! I found about some new compact pens for EDC thanks to someone I just started following on Instagram. A company called Pokka Pens makes these really neat pens that are like a plastic version of the Fisher bullet space pen. I'm very impressed with them so far. The company seems pretty awesome too.

As you can see in the photos, they're very compact. They're slightly shorter than the Fisher bullet while still being the same length when fully expanded. I'll probably do a more in-depth comparison post between them in the future if you all are interested. Since they're made of plastic, they're super lightweight. They don't feel as nice as the Fisher does in the hand, but that's plastic for you. They seem solidly built too. The cap snaps onto the end of the pen and fits it snugly. It'll be interesting to see if the fit changes as time goes on. I'm not sure how durable they'll be either. Plastic is more prone to breaking/cracking in my experience, so I'll have to see how they hold up. They're just like typical disposable ballpoint pens. As long as you treat them well, they should last a while. They write well and feel good in the hand. I don't have any major complaints about them so far. They seem like they'll be a nice, cheaper alternative to the Fisher bullet space pen. I could see myself giving these away to friends or using as beater pens that I wouldn't worry about losing. The Fisher goes for about $20, which is kind of a steep price if you lose your pens frequently. You can buy a lot more of these Pokka pens for that price.

These basic three packs go for $8.45. I think that's more than a fair price for what you're getting. They're made in the US too, so that's cool. I like all the colorways they offer. The orange is so bright! You can get ink refills for them so that you don't have to buy a whole new three pack when you run out of ink. Pokka has this referral link system, and if you spend $20 or more, you can get $10 by using my link here. I'll end up getting $10 off too, so it's a win-win for both of us. Here's just a regular ol' link to their site too if you want to read more about them. If you're looking for some compact pens for your carry, these ones might be a good option for you. I'm very impressed with them so far! Stay tuned for more posts about them in the future! Thanks for looking!

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