Saturday, February 23, 2019

My Thoughts On Kershaw's New Knives For 2019

Kershaw's knife lineup for 2019 is mostly lackluster in my opinion. It's all the same boring designs with very few that stand out. Here's a link to their new lineup in case you haven't checked them out already. I've got a few crappy screenshots to show here. This will probably be a relatively quick post as I'm only impressed with a couple.

The only knives that intrigue me are the new Launchs. If you've watched my videos or read any of my posts, you'd know I love my Launch 4. It's awesome to see Kershaw expanding the Launch series, especially with smaller ones. The 9 and 10 both have blades less than 2" which is my preferred blade size. I'm very tempted to get the 10 but I'm still undecided. If I sell some gear soon, then those funds might go to the 10. Who knows though. I dig the blade shape and the gray handle of the 10 over the boring black handles of the 9. Both look like nice complements to the 4.

The above and below pictures are a few of the new designs. To me, they're all bland and just different variations of the same base design. I feel like that's normally the case with Kershaw. They push a lot of budget blades out simply because they can. The more knives you sell, the greater likelihood that at least one is a hit. The Reverb XL looks like a cheap gas station knife with that crappy built-in carabiner. One other big complaint I have about the new knives is the size. Most of them are 3+ inch blades which I don't ever find myself needing to carry. Kershaw still isn't doing enough smaller/slimmer knives in my opinion. 

Besides the Launchs, I don't necessarily see any of these becoming very popular like the Dividend of a couple years ago. Kershaw's lost my interest over the past few years, and this lineup doesn't change that opinion at all. Thanks for looking!

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