Tuesday, January 19, 2016

January 2016 Updates

I was looking through the list of blog posts I've done and saw that the last update I made was in November. I definitely did not mean to take such a long break from this blog. I don't set New Year's resolutions, but one goal of mine is to post a lot more on here. I can talk about pretty much anything, so be prepared to see a lot more topics covered.

I also noticed that I haven't done a new gear update since October. Man, I've really been slacking. Long story short, I didn't get any new gear over those months. I was going to come up with something so I could still end up posting those updates, but I just never got around to it. Hopefully, I will start those back up at the end of January.

As far as what specifically you can expect to see on this blog, I hoping to post a lot more relating to EDC and knives. I'd like to get a ton of "reviews" up this year. I put reviews in quotes, because I'm not sure whether they'll be actual, professional reviews or more of my thoughts on the gear. I use the reviews to chronicle what I've tried. I think it's really cool to go back and have a log of all the pieces of gear I've had. I found some reviews on my computer from months ago, so I will get those up as soon as possible.

This is the year I go to college, which means I need to pick up a few new things to get myself all set. Other than those purchases, I don't think I'll buy much else. The new things for college will include a backpack, brighter flashlight, stuff for hiking, etc. I did end up ordering a couple things yesterday, so you will see me talk about those when they get here.

That's all I've got for now. Thank you all for your support even though I haven't been posting too regularly. I really will get up a lot more blog posts than last year. Maybe I'll even get more than 100 up this year. Who knows. I guess we'll all have to wait and see. I've been posting videos a lot more frequently, so be sure to keep your eyes out for more of those as well. Thanks for looking!

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