Saturday, May 28, 2016

Exciting News for June!

I'll be completely done with high school classes on June 2nd. As a celebration of sorts, I'll be putting up a blog post every single day of the month. I haven't been posting regularly at all, so I figured this would be a good way to catch myself up on all the months I wasn't posting.

I'll be posting pretty much anything I want, whether it's knife reviews, EDC posts, or some completely random stuff. I also want to revamp the blog a bit, so you may start seeing some changes in June as well. Thanks for looking everyone! Stay tuned for all the awesome posts throughout June!

Monday, May 16, 2016

Goulet Pens Is Awesome!

Not sure if you all remember or not, but way back in January I ordered some stuff from Goulet Pens. The package came very quickly, well packaged, and with a Tootsie pop. At that point, I was already impressed with them as a company. 

I started to have issues with one of the pens I ordered and emailed them to ask if they knew what I could do to fix it. I got an email back quickly with advice to fix my pen. None of their advice unfortunately worked.  I let them know this, and they immediately shipped me out a replacement pen. Now that's good business! It definitely wasn't their problem to have to fix. The replacement came in just as quickly in the same fashion as my first package. They even included a couple sample vials of ink for my troubles, which I thought was so nice. This replacement pen had the same issues as the first, and again I tried to fix it but nothing worked. After doing some research, I figured out that many other people had problems with this pen, the Kaweco Skyline Sport. On a side note, I obviously don't recommend that pen. It was a complete piece of crap. I was able to return the faulty pens and get a refund for the pen I originally had purchased. 

This was a very pleasant experience, and I can't say enough good things about Goulet Pens. They will be getting my business for all my pen and notebook needs in the future. I definitely recommend you purchase from their site. They've got great prices and take care of their customers. Those are two things that aren't necessarily guaranteed anymore. Give them a look if you're interested in pens, notebooks, or anything of that nature! Click here if you'd like to go to their website. Thanks for looking! Special thanks to Goulet Pens for being so awesome!

Friday, May 13, 2016

New Knife: CRKT Jettison!

As you can tell by the photo and title of this post, I recently picked up a CRKT Jettison. I hadn't heard of this knife until a friend of mine mentioned it was one of the blades she wanted to try. I decided to look it up, and now here it is. I've only had it since yesterday, so these are just some of my very initial impressions.

The size and price were the main reasons this blade appealed to me so much. I absolutely love how small it is! It's only slightly bigger than the Spyderco Ladybug. This is the first time I've seen a knife this small with a functional flipper. Speaking of the flipper, it flips so dang well. It's extremely easy to flip despite its small size. I've also noticed how quiet it is when you flip it. That might sound kinda weird, but at least with the flippers I've owned in the past, they've all had very distinct sounds that were pretty noticeable. For the $30 I paid, I'm extremely happy. I think it will end up being a perfect complement to my Ladybug. I'll be sure to get a video on it up some time soon! Thanks for looking!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Hey There! Long Time No See

Yo guys! What's going on? I know I haven't posted in such a long time. As you probably expected, I've been busy with school, working, and all that kind of stuff. I'm so close to finally being done with school though! Be on the lookout for more videos and posts on here. This summer should be a good one as far as how many videos and blog posts I'll be putting up. I figured I'd do this quick post to give you all a few updates about what I've been up to, what I've been carrying, etc.

1. I haven't been carrying practically anything lately.
With school and everything, I obviously can't be carrying my blades on me. When I get home, I just don't really feel like loading up my pockets for only a couple hours. Hopefully I'll start getting back into carrying my gear when the summer hits. I'm also not using the Altoids tin to carry my stuff anymore. It never was a perfect solution, so I suppose I'll have to try something else.

2. I'll be doing a massive purge of my collection.
I don't have much gear to begin with anymore, but I've still got way more than I use at the moment. I'm going to go through every single piece of my gear and decide whether it's realistically going to get used or not. I've already decided to get rid of quite a few things, so expect a sale when I get back into videos again. It's going to be sad to see some of it go. Unfortunately, I'm not the type of person that likes to have a ginormous collection of crap I'll never use.

3. I have a whole different viewpoint on my carry and collection.
I think I'll end up saving this topic for a video. Basically, I've just been noticing some changes in the community that I'm not too fond of.

4. I'm getting a new knife in the mail!
I'm going to keep it a surprise for now, but I'll end up posting a photo or video when it comes in. It's should fit into my collection quite nicely.

Well, this list is getting pretty long, so I think I'll stop it there. I've been doing well and am extremely excited to be able to start posting and talking to you all again! Hope you all have been doing well!