Sunday, May 8, 2016

Hey There! Long Time No See

Yo guys! What's going on? I know I haven't posted in such a long time. As you probably expected, I've been busy with school, working, and all that kind of stuff. I'm so close to finally being done with school though! Be on the lookout for more videos and posts on here. This summer should be a good one as far as how many videos and blog posts I'll be putting up. I figured I'd do this quick post to give you all a few updates about what I've been up to, what I've been carrying, etc.

1. I haven't been carrying practically anything lately.
With school and everything, I obviously can't be carrying my blades on me. When I get home, I just don't really feel like loading up my pockets for only a couple hours. Hopefully I'll start getting back into carrying my gear when the summer hits. I'm also not using the Altoids tin to carry my stuff anymore. It never was a perfect solution, so I suppose I'll have to try something else.

2. I'll be doing a massive purge of my collection.
I don't have much gear to begin with anymore, but I've still got way more than I use at the moment. I'm going to go through every single piece of my gear and decide whether it's realistically going to get used or not. I've already decided to get rid of quite a few things, so expect a sale when I get back into videos again. It's going to be sad to see some of it go. Unfortunately, I'm not the type of person that likes to have a ginormous collection of crap I'll never use.

3. I have a whole different viewpoint on my carry and collection.
I think I'll end up saving this topic for a video. Basically, I've just been noticing some changes in the community that I'm not too fond of.

4. I'm getting a new knife in the mail!
I'm going to keep it a surprise for now, but I'll end up posting a photo or video when it comes in. It's should fit into my collection quite nicely.

Well, this list is getting pretty long, so I think I'll stop it there. I've been doing well and am extremely excited to be able to start posting and talking to you all again! Hope you all have been doing well!

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