Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Trying Out Some New Flashlights

Gotta give a huge thank you to Jacob Manalang for letting me try out a couple of his flashlights! I'm going to be testing these out for the next couple weeks, so stay tuned for some videos and posts talking about each and then comparing them to some other lights. I'm still on the hunt for the perfect flashlight, but I'm impressed with what these lights have to offer.

I used my phone in my crappily lit dorm room for this photo, so sorry about the quality. I promise I'll get some better photos of these sweet lights up in a about a week! The lights I'll be trying out are the Thrunite TI5 and TI4, and the newer FourSevens Preon P2. I'm thinking I might eventually purchase some or all of these lights in the future. They have a lot of the things I'm looking for in an EDC light.

Off of very first impressions, I'd say I'm the impressed with the TI5, which is the single AAA light. It's a good size with good outputs. These are all clicky lights, but the TI5's clicky seems so much nicer to me. It's got the ability to do momentary on, which is something all of the lights I own currently lack. It's really nice to be able to temporarily hold the button down to quickly use the light.

I've never really carried 2 AAA lights before, so it'll be interesting to see how I like the Preon P2 and the TI4. Both seem like great lights too, but they have minor quirks that I've noticed so far. The TI4's clicky feels sort of off to me for some reason. It's easy to use and everything, but it's not as nice as the TI5. The clicky on the Preon is definitely the worst of the bunch. It can do momentary on, which is nice, but it's not as firm as the other ones. I thought I wouldn't like all the ridges on the Preon, yet they aren't noticeable at all. I'll probably talk more in-depth about my first impressions of each in a video or something.

I'm very excited to carry all of these. I'm hoping I like them all enough to consider adding ones to my collection in the future. Again, thanks a ton to Jacob for giving me the chance to try these out. Stay tuned for more videos and posts on them soon! Thanks for looking!

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