Tuesday, September 19, 2017


Hey everybody! Sorry for the complete lack of posts the past few weeks. The fall semester just started, and I haven't gotten around to getting some posts up obviously. This post will kinda fill you all in with what to expect over the next few months. Videos and posts will be coming pretty regularly, probably every 5 to 7 days. I might take a brief break from the blog until October and then resume with the regularly scheduled posts. I'm not 100% certain on this though.

As far as what's coming, I have some review type posts I still need to get together. I've also got a lot of new ideas involving EDC gear, books, videos games, etc. One big video I have coming is my college EDC bag. The contents of my bag are all set. The only thing left for me to do is to find a good spot to film in my apartment. I also would like to show my gaming setup that I've got in my college space. I'm going to keep everything else under wraps for now, so just stay tuned for some cool stuff.

I also will be having a small sale soon with the SOG Snarl and the Kershaw GTC Hops. I've got this filmed too and need to upload it when I've got a chance to go to the post office. Don't expect to see any new gear for the next few months. College is draining me of cash at the moment, so I'd like to get some funds built back up before I jump into anything new.

Other than that, expect to see pretty much what you've been seeing lately. Once I sit down and do some planning, I should be good with posts and videos for a month or so at the very least. As always, if there's anything specific you want to see, just let me know. Thanks for all the support! Keep an eye out for some more posts and videos!

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