Saturday, September 30, 2017

What I Read: September 2017

Hey everybody! Thanks to some terrible WiFi in my apartment, I have tons of free time to read. This month was cool, because I've started listening to audiobooks. I listen to an hour or two of music around campus daily, and now I can turn some of that time into reading time. I'm really digging it so far and was able to finish four books from simply listening on bus rides or between/before classes. I'm also in a class where I read a book a week, so that helps me read more as well. This month I've finished 17 books, so my total for the year is 118. Five of those were graphic novels, and then all the rest were novels.

Some of my favorites this month were A Life In Parts by Bryan Cranston, Kindred by Octavia E. Butler, The Girl Who Played With Fire, and The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest by Stieg Larsson. I would rate all of these 4/5 stars. A Life In Parts was awesome. I love reading memoirs written by celebrities, as it's cool to get a look inside their lives. Bryan Cranston has had such an interesting life. I didn't expect much of Kindred, because I had never heard of it before, but it was great as well. It's a science fiction, time travel story that I read for one of my classes. I thought the plot was really unique, and the characters were interesting. The Girl Who Played With Fire and The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest finish off the The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo trilogy. I think Stieg Larsson has a problem with rambling on for too long, but I love the main characters so much that I don't mind too much. I just found out that another author is continuing the series, so I'm excited to check those out. I also finished The Hobbit, and while I didn't think it was an amazing read, I did enjoy it more than I expected. I thought it was very predictable, yet the characters were what kept me interested. I'm looking forward to reading The Lord of the Rings eventually.

I'm still making my way through The Walking Dead graphic novels. I finished volumes 4, 5, and 6 this month. They're much faster paced than the show, and it's cool to see the differences between the two.

To round this post off, here's a few of my average reads: Gumption by Nick Offerman, Modern Romance by Aziz Ansari, and Wild by Cheryl Strayed. None of these books were horrible by any means, but they didn't meet my expectations. I enjoyed parts of each of them, yet as a whole they weren't that great. Thanks for looking!

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