Thursday, October 26, 2017

My Issues With Recent Phone Trends

I think that most of us can agree that a cell phone is a pretty big part of our EDC. I know I've become increasingly dependent on my phone as I've gotten older. Our phones have become so much more than just a means to call or text people. They can do so much now that it's kinda crazy. Finding some of the perfect EDC gear is pretty easy for me, but I don't think I'll ever find the perfect phone. There's so many aspects to consider, and it simply isn't possible for a company's latest and greatest phone to align perfectly with my needs. I've had my phone, an iPhone 5S for several years now, and I know it's on its last legs. I really don't want to upgrade it, but at the same time, I do. Every year I wait to upgrade, I know I'm going to be more and more unhappy with what phones are out there. I wanted to talk about some of the recent phone trends that I don't necessarily agree with. These are all my personal preferences.

I absolutely hate how huge phones are getting. The majority of new phones out there have screens that are bigger than 5". That's incredibly ridiculous if you ask me. I do not need that big of a screen for a cell phone. For women especially, this big phone trend is horrible. First off, we simply don't have the pocket space for a phone this big. Of course, most women have purses to carry this huge brick of a phone in, but there's also the issue of hand size. Most women have smaller hands, so it's very hard to hold and be able to use a huge phone one-handed. As phones keep getting bigger and bigger, my question is when will they stop? I don't need a tablet sized cell phone. Sure I watch videos on my phone, but I don't find myself yearning for a huge screen to watch things on.

I also don't like the movement to make phones so thin. It's not necessary at all. I'd rather have a slightly "thick" phone than one with terrible battery life or no headphone jack. Why the heck does the headphone jack need to go away? Some of us out here do not want to switch to wireless headphones. With wireless headphones, that's one additional thing I need to charge. The headphone jack removal will not save that much space. We're talking about a matter of millimeters here. I will take a phone that's a few centimeters thicker overall if I can have headphone jack and a battery that lasts at least a week. The thinner phones get, the less there is hold and the higher chance of dropping it. I do not want a phone that's as thin as a piece of paper. I care about function over looks in pretty much everything I buy, so I wish more phone companies would stop focusing on making the most beautiful phones.

I absolutely hate Apple as a company now, so when my phone finally craps out, I know I'll definitely upgrade to some sort of Android. The Google Pixel was pretty appealing to me, but the Pixel 2 that was recently released has no headphone jack. Again, that's not something I want to give up. Some of the most important aspects I'd like in a phone are great camera, long battery life, compact size, front facing speakers, and a headphone jack. I don't think those demands are too unreasonable. I hope I can find my dream phone eventually, but I think I'll have to settle for something before that happens. Thanks for looking!


  1. Hey Ally! Long time watcher/reader (since before you added 5 to the end of your name), first time commenter.

    Totally agree. Phones are huge now. I'm a guy with reasonable size pockets and long fingers and even I can't stand it. I'm gonna try to hold on to my iPhone SE for as long as I can. I'm dreading the inevitable "upgrade" when I need a new phone and there's no new iPhone SE to pick.

    Headphone jack has never been that big an issue for me. I don't listen to music on my phone and my truck has bluetooth, so I rarely use the headphone jack. I might actually prefer not having one just for the better water resistance.

    Also, yes. I too hate sacrificing performance for thinness. Thin phones are so much harder to hold on to too. Give me a thick, small phone any day.

  2. Hey! Thanks for continuing to keep up with me! I regret deleting that channel, but at least you were able to find me again. I know, I completely agree. I need to upgrade soon, but there aren't many compact phones out there. I hope some big company realizes that there's a market for compact phones. Yeah the headphone jack isn't as big of a concern for me anymore. I finally got some bluetooth headphones and like them a lot better than wired headphones. I would prefer a thick, small phone too. Thanks for your comment!
