Tuesday, October 31, 2017

What I Read: October 2017

Hey everybody! Another month ending means another wrap-up of what I've read. The tail end of this year is really flying by. It's crazy to think it's almost 2018. I managed to to read quite a bit during October. I've been finishing some series that I wanted to read as a kid and a lot of shorter books. That's allowed me to read tons more quantity wise this month. All in all, I read 26 books which puts me at 144 for the year. 6 of those were graphic novels, and 4 of those were audiobooks. Everything else was either a physical or e-books. Going forward with these wrap-up posts, I'll be putting my rating out of 5 stars in parentheses after the book title. Let's get into some of my favorites.

I finished probably one of my now favorite series, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. I finished the second and third books, Hollow City (5/5) and Library of Souls (5/5). They were both so good. I loved all the main characters, and the adventures they go on. I also read Born A Crime (4/5) by Trevor Noah. I didn't know much about him, but his book is always highly recommended. It's a memoir about his life and being raised in South Africa. I thought it was quite interesting, and it had some funny parts. Some other good ones I read were So You've Been Publicly Shamed (4/5), We Should All Be Feminists (4/5), and Charlie and The Chocolate Factory (5/5).

Getting onto some disappointments, I had to read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2/5) for a class, and I thought it was pretty bad. I had such high expectations considering everyone loves it so much. It had some redeeming parts to it, mainly the character Marvin. I also had to read The Dispossessed (1/5) for that same class, and it was utterly terrible. I finally got around to reading The Man in the High Castle (2/5). I was hoping for more. The writing style wasn't the greatest, and a lot of the characters were annoying. I'm going to start the TV adaptation soon, so it'll be interesting to see how it compares to the book.

Graphic novel wise, I read Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol. 1. I didn't even know this was a thing until I saw the cover on the app I read graphic novels on. It was great! It was easily one of the better superhero graphic novels I've read this year. I hope there are more coming out in the future. I'm also still working on reading The Walking Dead graphic novels. I finished Volumes 7 to 11 this month. They're not anything special to me, but I'd rather read them than watch the dumpster fire the TV show has turned into.

That about wraps it up for this post. I read a lot of other mediocre books this month, and I don't think they're worth talking about in detail at the moment. I'll probably do a post at the end of the year that has the whole list of everything I've read. I should get lots of reading done in November too, since I'll have a week off from school for Thanksgiving break. Thanks for looking!

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