Thursday, October 19, 2017

What Gear I've Been Using Lately

Hey everybody! Super sorry that there hasn't been any posts here in the past month or so. I just haven't gotten around to getting posts together. Here's a quick update on what gear I've been using lately. It's not much, but it's a lot of gear that I didn't expect to use as much as I have.

Since I'm living off campus this year, I've been making all of my own food. The kitchen knives I have are crap, so I figured I'd give some of my own knives a shot at food prep. I've been using the Victorinox Alox Bantam to cut vegetables, and it's been working out wonderfully. I figured I'd use some sort of Victorinox, since the blades are so thin and sharp. I was worried that the blade might close on me, but I've had no issues whatsoever. I will definitely continue using it for food prep going forward. I've also been using the Victorinox Pioneer's can opener. I've never used a multitool can opener to open cans before, so I was intrigued to see how it would work out. It could not have been easier, so I think I'll continue using the Pioneer for my can opening needs.

Another category of gear I've been using a lot lately is lights. My headlamp and flashlights are getting a lot of use. I use the headlamp at night when I'm reading a book. The flashlights get a lot of usage for those times when I don't need my main lights on, but I need enough light to see something for a second. I'm pretty cheap, so if I don't have to use the main lights in my apartment, then that's a win for me. I'm getting more use out of my flashlights than ever before, so I'll take it.

The last things I'll mention are what knives I've been using. Honestly, I have not reached for many of my blades lately. I use the Victorinox Classic almost daily, but that's about as far as my knife usage has gone. I have been carrying the Benchmade 705 that I've got on loan from my friend Laura. That goes in the waistband and makes me want to carry more of my knives that way. I always seem to go through phases where I really want to carry a knife in the waistband and then I don't feel the need to at all. I need to get more usage out of my knives, so I might get a rotation set up to motivate me to do so.

That's about all the gear I've gotten use out of the past couple months. It's not a lot, but I am happy that I'm broadening the tasks I use my EDC gear for. I never would've imagined using my knives for food prep, so it's always cool to see how my EDC and usage changes over time. Stay tuned for more posts soon! Thanks for looking!

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