Saturday, July 11, 2015

Everyday Tech: Part 3 (Miscellaneous)

This part of my everyday tech will cover the miscellaneous things I use.

I think it’s important to always have good headphones near you. They’re good for blocking out annoying people, and you never want to be that obnoxious person that plays their terrible music out loud. I found these Audio Technica M40xs, and I am very impressed. They’re right around $100 and have held up well for the year or so I’ve had them. I tend to be pretty rough with my headphones, and these haven’t broken yet. I may make a more in-depth post or video about them later, but they’re great headphones for sure.

I also love to play video games. Handheld gaming is by far my favorite way to game. I’ve been a huge Nintendo fan since I was a little kid. I have a Nintendo 3DS, and I absolutely love it. It’s super fun to play and is pretty small too. The 3D feature is kind of cool, but I never really use it. Also, gotta love that it comes in purple!

With all of these electronics, I have to have a way to charge them while I’m out and about. External batteries are a great way to do this. I picked up an Anker Astro E4 battery and like it so far. It’s one of the bigger ones you can get, so it can charge a lot of stuff before it dies. You really do need something like this if you have tons of electronics like me.

The last thing I’m going to be talking about is a Bluetooth speaker. I have a UE Mini Boom and get a lot of use out of it. My car is 13 years old, so it doesn’t have the best speakers or a way to listen to the music on my phone easily. Instead of just listening to the radio, I turn on the speaker and listen to my own music. It works out surprisingly nicely. The Mini Boom is a great, little speaker. The sound quality is great, and it can get pretty loud. It comes in different colors too, which is always something I like to see.

Anyways, that wraps up this everyday tech series. I hope you all found it somewhat interesting. I figured this would be a good way to introduce you all to another one of my hobbies. I may make some more in-depth posts or videos about some of these things in the future. Thanks for looking everyone!

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