Today I'd like to talk about what I keep in my backpack at school. I am currently a senior in high school. My school has a very strict policy about knives, so this is going to be a pretty boring EDC update. There will be no knives, lighters, or really any of my typical EDC items. For me, I don't see the point in trying to carry any of my gear, because it's not worth getting suspended, and I don't want my stuff getting stolen. I can last the 7 hours at school without my gear. There are going to be times when you can't carry anything, so I might as well get used to it now. In college though, I'll definitely be incorporating my typical EDC stuff into my bag. Plus my bag gets heavy enough as it is, maybe 20 to 25 pounds, so I'd rather not load it down with stuff I'll never use. Enough of that rambling, let's get into my bag and what's in it. For the sake of not being too boring, I'm only going to show the more interesting items.

So this is my bag. It's just a typical Jansport backpack. I like it, because it's got a lot of pockets and is super comfortable to wear, especially with a decent amount of weight in it. It may not be the fanciest bag, but it works and has held up extremely well. I think this is my third year I've used it for school.

These were a few of the more interesting things I pulled out of the bag. Starting from the left, I always keep some sort of book with me. I like to read, and there's always a lot of down time in class. Right now it's Robinson Crusoe, which I must say is pretty boring. I like to read older classics, but this one just isn't that interesting. I also always keep pens and pencils with me. The one in the picture is a Zebra F-301 in blue. I usually also keep a couple cheap mechanical pencils in there too. Next to the pen is an Anker external battery and a cable to charge my phone. My school finally has Wifi, so that means I'm pretty much always on my phone. The battery can charge my phone quite easily. I haven't had to use it much yet, but I'm sure it will get a lot of use throughout the school year. Below the battery are some headphones, a USB flashdrive, and some hand sanitizer. The headphones are to block out all the annoying people, plus it's just nice to listen to music as you work. The flashdrive is for saving essays and other stuff of that nature. The hand sanitizer is pretty self-explanatory. Schools are disgusting, and students are sick all the time. Lastly, on the far right side is my phone. That's also pretty self-explanatory. That either goes in the bag or in my pocket depending on what time it is.
That's the majority of stuff in my bag. Like I said, it's not that interesting, but it's all stuff that actually gets used. If you see something I'm missing that I really should carry, let me know. Thanks for looking!