Monday, September 21, 2015

Impulse Buys

Impulse buys really suck. You see something that looks really cool, is on sale, etc. and then buy it without even thinking. Sometimes you can be pleasantly surprised by these impulse buys, but I’ve found that’s usually not the case for me.  I’ve been pretty disappointed with a large majority of my impulse buys. I regret making almost every single one of them, because I could have used the money to spend on something I actually wanted. It’s an interesting opportunity to try out something new and different, but ultimately is a waste of time and money.

This day and age of technology makes purchasing these impulse items pretty easy. I’m able to find anything I could ever want on the internet for pretty good prices. Instagram is a huge black hole if you’re even a tad bit impulsive. If you didn’t know about Instagram sales before, then say goodbye to all your money now. You can just browse #knifesale and discover awesome things for deals that are too good to pass up. I’ve been pretty good about not giving into my impulses lately. I see sweet deals all the time, but hold off on them because I know I don’t need yet another knife, tool, etc. This hobby doesn’t have to leave our wallets empty all the time. It just takes a little bit of control. I may write a series about my buying process/how to buy gear on a budget. That’s pretty much it. I just wanted to write this short post about the evil impulse buys. Thanks for looking!


  1. The best way to get around impulse buys is to let a need come to you before you go out and look for a product. Wait for the thought "I need something to fulfill X" before you go out to look for something to fill an imagined need.

    1. Ahh that's pretty smart! I definitely will have to keep that in mind for the future

    2. I enjoy your videos, by the way.
