Tuesday, July 18, 2017

SOG Snarl First Impressions

Someone I follow on Instagram was selling a few blades, so I figured I'd pick up this SOG Snarl from them.  I've always been interested in trying out the Snarl. The Brous Blades Silent Soldier has intrigued me since I got into knives, but it was way too expensive. When SOG came out with this budget collaboration of the Silent Soldier a few years ago, I knew I'd have to try it out eventually.

My very first impressions are not the most positive. The ergos are weird, and I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to hold it. Am I just supposed to use the holes, not use the holes at all, or use a combination of the holes and handle? I'm sure as I get more use out of it, I'll find a way to hold it that is comfortable to me. This knife is also a lot heftier than I expected. The blade is super thick, almost too thick for me to carry. It's a pretty heavy knife, so I'm not sure how I'll like carrying it. The sheath is nice, and I dig the belt clip attachment thing. At first glance, I thought I might be able to move the belt clip attachment to do vertical carry, but I don't think that's the case. I don't like the idea of having to carry this knife horizontally. I've never carried a fixed blade like that before, so maybe I just need to give it a try. Other than those few things, it seems like a decent knife. I don't necessarily see it sticking out, but it should be a nice opportunity to try a smaller fixed blade. I'd like to pick up a few more small fixed blades, so maybe this purchase will jump start that. Stay tuned for some more posts on it in the future! Thanks for looking!

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