Monday, July 31, 2017

What I Read: July 2017

I haven't read too many novels this month. I've been kind of busy, but mostly I haven't felt like reading all that much. I've got about a month before I go back to school, so I'm trying to have tons of fun and get a lot done before I go back. I read 15 books, so that puts my total for the year at 72. Two of those books are real books, while all the rest are graphic novels. I've really gotten into graphic novels this summer, so I've started a couple of series of them.

One book I finished this month is Helter Skelter by Vincent Bugliosi and Curt Gentry. It was a super long book full of lots of information on the Manson murders and the trials that ensued. I'm fascinated by true crime stuff, so I absolutely loved reading this. It took me forever to get through, but I'm really glad I read it. I had heard of Charles Manson before, yet I never knew how much he was involved in. It's written by the prosecutor in the trials of Manson/the Manson family and puts forth all the evidence and arguments that were made during the trials. If you're interested in true crime, I definitely think it's worth a read.

The other actual book I read was The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. I liked it for the most part. Some of the chapters didn't really click with me, but I did like the story overall. It was full of adventures and shenanigans and threw a little Tom Sawyer in there too. It wasn't the best book in the world, but it was pretty decent. If you're interested in classics, then I say give it a read.

Like I said in the beginning, I read a ton of graphic novels this month. I finished the Locke & Key series, and I really dug that. I'm also two volumes into the Ms. Marvel series. I started and really enjoyed The Woods Volume 1 and Paper Girls Volume 1. There's a few other graphic novels I finished, but they weren't necessarily ones I really loved. I definitely recommend you check out all the graphic novels I just mentioned. They are all great stories with sick art! That's it for the month of July! Thanks for looking!

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