Wednesday, November 22, 2017

EDC Update: End of November 2017

Hey everybody! I haven't done any sort of EDC update on here in a while, so I'm going to talk about some of the changes I've made to my carry recently. At the top of the photo minus the green Preon P2, I've got my current EDC: Spyderco Ladybug, Victorinox Pioneer, Fisher Bullet space pen, FourSevens new Preon P1 and Victorinox Classic. I just swapped in both the Pioneer and new Preon P1. The purple and blue combo looks so cool! The most used piece of gear from my rotation currently is the Classic. It's easily surpassed the Ladybug in terms of pure usage. I surprising haven't had much need for the Ladybug recently, but it still is my favorite knife. I've also been occasionally carrying a mid-sized knife, mostly the Benchmade 705. I'm going to start researching compact pens soon. I still love the Bullet, but it'd be nice to have another option to rotate.

The FourSevens Preon P2 is in the photo, because I'm considering taking it out of my backpack. Usually I'll keep it in my college bag 24/7 as a backup, but I've had issues with accidentally bumping the tailcap and turning on the light without realizing it. I either need to put it somewhere else in my bag, or replace it with a some sort of twisty light. I didn't get why people would complain about the tailcaps so much in the past, yet I finally get it now. 

The headphones are a replacement for a crappy pair of Apple earbuds I had. I've been wanting to pick up some wireless headphones, and thanks to a sale and some reward certificates from Best Buy, I picked up these TaoTronics ones. I believe the model is the Deimos. I ended up paying $10 for them overall, and I will say I got what I paid for. The sound quality is probably some of the worst I've had ever in headphones. There's lots of static, and I've had issues with the range too. The battery doesn't last long, so I've got to charge them every day, which is pretty annoying. They're surprisingly bulky too. I have a bigger pair of wireless, over-the-ear headphones from Sony that I love, but I don't like to wear them around campus. The Sony pair is definitely superior to these ones. I honestly just wanted to see if I liked the concept for in-ear headphones. Once these die, I can see myself upgrading to a nicer pair. 

Last but not least, I add my Olight i3E to my keys for when I come back to my apartment late at night. Now that it's getting darker earlier, I figured it was time I finally added a dedicated light to my keys, so I don't have to go digging through my bag for one. It's been working well on my keys so far. That's about all the major changes I've made to my carry lately. I've do have a college backpack EDC update in the works. Stay tuned for that soon, because there's been some changes since last year. Thanks for looking!

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