Monday, November 27, 2017

The Sims 4 On PS4 First Impressions

Hey everybody! I've mentioned in the past that I play video games. This has been such a good year for video games, and I'd like to start bringing more posts about them onto the blog. One of my favorite games as a kid was The Sims on PC, so I was super excited when I heard they were bringing Sims 4 to consoles. I picked up Sims 4 on PS4 the day after it launched and have put a decent amount of hours into it so far. I'm very happy I can finally play Sims when I'm at school. I don't have a computer good enough to play Sims on, so I've only been able to play on breaks ever since I went off to college. I've enjoyed this version so far and highly recommend you pick it up!

The PS4 version is pretty much the same as the PC version, where the only major differences are in the controls. It took me a little while to get used to the controls. I do think they're pretty good and make sense for the console. Using the joysticks instead of a mouse was weird at first. If you've never heard of The Sims franchise before, it's essentially a life simulation game. You can create characters and their homes. You can move them through life so they get jobs, acquire skills, have a family, etc. There's no story plot or end game. Basically you're controlling virtual people. It's not for everyone, but I've always found it to be kind of addicting. There's a lot of customization available too, so you can make characters like yourself.

I don't have any major complaints so far. I already mentioned my issues with the controls at first. When it launched, there were lots of issues with saving and losing hours of game play. I've had no issues with saving whatsoever. I save frequently anyways, so I'm not sure what specific issues others were having. A patch for the saving issues has been released, which means that should be all good now. There's some glitches that happen every now and then, but nothing to ruin the experience. I've had so much fun playing thus far. It has taken everything that made The Sims great on PC and made it accessible to play on the PS4 or Xbox One. I paid $50 for mine. Considering how many hours of game play I'll get out of it, I do think it's worth it. With Black Friday and other holiday deals, you should be able to find it cheaper. If you're looking for a fun, mindless game to play, I do recommend you check it out. I find myself playing games on consoles more than on PC, so this release couldn't have come at a better time. Thanks for looking!

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