Saturday, May 19, 2018

How Food Allergies Affect My EDC

Hey everybody! If you saw one of my last posts, I talked about the severe food allergies I have and what it's been like to have them as I've gotten older. I wanted to do that post before I talked about what I actually carry for my allergies. The only two things I really carry for them are Benadryl Allergy pills and an EpiPen. I will say my current EpiPen is actually expired. I've only ever had to use it once in my life, so now that I have fewer allergies, I don't see the need to keep getting new ones every year. Benadryl Allergy is some magical stuff that really does wonders in an allergic reaction. That's what I was given in the emergency room when I had to use my EpiPen, so I figured it was good enough to be one of my main options. I know there's many people out there that have way more severe reactions where the EpiPen is completely necessary. There's been a lot in the news recently about EpiPen prices being ridiculous. I just saw that there's an actual shortage for them as well. That's ridiculous. Allergies are so common in this world, and there's so many people that may need them to save their life. No one in politics or pharmaceutical companies seem to care though. I'm fortunate I'm at the point where I really don't need to rely on having an EpiPen anymore. Since I'm only allergic to nuts now, I feel fine enough to just rely on Benadryl if anything goes wrong. 

Even before I knew what an EDC was, I still had to find a way to have these two things with me. When I was in elementary/middle school, I always kept my EpiPen in the nurse's office, so luckily I never had to deal with carrying it myself. My mom would also keep some in her purse too, so she was the one that really had it in her EDC. Once I got to high school, I started carrying them in my own backpack. That's probably one of the main reasons I still carry a bag with me in some form or another, whether it's a backpack or a purse. I obviously can't stick these two things in my nonexistent pockets, so a bag will always be a necessity for me. My allergic reactions are few and far between now, but until I lose the nut allergy, I'll probably always have to find a way to at least carry the Benadryl with me. If you have allergies or know anyone else that does, I urge you to be prepared in case of any reactions. Benadryl is at least readily available and easy to carry. You never know when it could come in handy. I don't see it leaving my EDC unless I ever get to be allergy free. I guess having allergies taught me to always be prepared in case anything bad happened. That's something that I still apply to my EDC to this day. It's not much, but these two things could really save people's lives. The only other thing I carry regarding my allergies is snacks that I know are allergy-free in case I get stuck at a place where I can't eat anything. I hope you enjoyed this or that it at least it showed you more scenarios you could potentially prepare for! Thanks for looking!

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