Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Recent Podcast Discoveries

Hey everybody! If you saw one of my last few posts, I gave my thoughts on the podcast Serial. Since listening to that one, I wanted to find a few new podcasts to listen to. They're nice to listen to when you're doing chores or on your daily commute. I've found podcasts to be a great platform for interviews and random conversations. I figured I'd talk about a few ones I've tried out recently.

The first one that's probably my favorite is the The Creative Exchange. This one is done by a popular YouTuber, Sara Dietschy. I watch her videos every so often, but I've listened to all of the episodes in this podcast so far. She basically interviews various creative or business people. The conversations are always so great and genuine. They cover all sorts of topics, like how they got started doing their creative thing, general life advice, favorite things on Netflix, etc. I've loved most of the episodes, though my favorites would have to be the ones with Kara Goldin, John Hill, Akilah Hughes, and Timmy Ham. I definitely recommend you give it a try. The episodes range from 50ish minutes to a little over an hour. You can find it on YouTube (linked here), which is what I do so I can see the people talking face-to-face, as well as Spotify, Itunes, etc.

Another one I've listened to a few episodes of is Welcome to Night Vale. It's centered around reporting the strange events that happen in this fictional town called Night Vale. The guy that voices it has such a soothing voice. The episodes are so weird, but they're surprisingly entertaining. There's some interesting music segments in each episode as well. There's over a hundred episodes, so I've got quite a way to go. I like that episodes are so short, only about 25 minutes, because sometimes I don't have an hour or more to dedicate to listening to something. This is another one that I'd recommend you check out. You can listen to it on their website (linked here), Spotify, Soundcloud, and probably more places. It's very different from anything I've heard before.

These next few ones I'll mention are all celebrity podcasts. I'm not very deep into any of them, so they may end up getting ditched in the future. I found out about Anna Faris Is Unqualified after reading her book about relationship advice. I didn't realize the book was focused on that or that she ran a podcast based around it as well. I think I've listened to seven episodes thus far. They're pretty long, usually at least an hour. I like it, but I wouldn't say I love it. There's always some popular guest star with her. I was trying to listen to it sequentially, but I think I'm going to start only listening to the ones where I like the guest stars. It can get kind of obnoxious, because they usually all talk over each other or try too hard to be funny. The ones I've enjoyed so far were the episodes with Rosie O'Donnell, Aubrey Plaza, and Jenna Dewan Tatum. Anna Faris was able to get so many celebrities to appear with her. I don't really need the relationship advice, but it is nice to hear a deeper look at what goes on in Hollywood and more about each of the celebrities on the show. I probably wouldn't necessarily recommend it, unless you just want to go through the episodes that intrigue you. It's okay, but not as good as other things I've listened to. A comedian I love, Chelsea Peretti, had her own podcast called Call Chelsea Peretti, where people call in to her and she responds to what they say. It's kind of dumb, and again, I think she tries a little too hard to be funny. They're also usually at least an hour long. I'm mixed about it so far. I may have to try a few more episodes before I decide whether it's worth my time or not. Last but not least, I started Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard before I started writing this. I started listening to one of the later episodes before I started writing this, because one of my favorites actresses, Lauren Graham, is the guest. Dax Shepard is another actor, and in his podcast, he just talks with other famous people. The conversations have a nice flow, and I do like to hear more about these people's lives. One annoying part is that he puts several minute ads in his show. I've been skipping through them, but I don't see why a rich celebrity needs to have people sponsor his podcast so much. The length is also kinda crazy. The episode I'm listening to know is over an hour and a half long. I usually like to listen to things in one go, but I don't think I'd do that with this podcast. Kristen Bell, an actress who's married to Dax Shepard, is also in this episode. I'm assuming she's been in all the episodes. There's even one early on where she was the guest. I do like her, so I probably will end up sticking with this podcast. It's one of the top podcasts on Spotify. That's where I listen to all these podcasts, but you might be able to find them elsewhere on the internet. If you know any other good podcasts, feel free to throw any suggestions my way. Thanks for looking!

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