Monday, November 2, 2015

14 Days, 1 Blade

So I was recently challenged by a guy on Instagram to pick one blade to carry as part of my EDC for the next 14 days. Since I would only be able to use this one blade, I had to choose smartly. This probably comes as no surprise to many of you, but I chose my Spyderco Ladybug.

(sorry for the kinda crappy pic, it's from IG)

I chose the Ladybug for a couple reasons. Its small size makes it easy to carry and people friendly. I don't really need a huge knife on a day to day basis, so it made sense to just have this as my one blade. I don't expect these 14 days to be to difficult. I will miss carrying my Endura, since I've been pairing it with the Ladybug as of lately. The Ladybug is still going strong 5 days in. I've also been going pretty light with my carry, just a knife, pen, and flashlight. I'll try and get a EDC picture up on Instagram soon. Thanks for looking!

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