Saturday, November 14, 2015

Packaging Matters Too

I keep most of the packaging that my gear comes in. This helps when you want to sell stuff down the road, and honestly I'm just a little bit of a hoarder. Every piece of gear should at least come in decent packaging. I get that it adds to the cost and takes away from a company's profit. However, if you've got memorable packaging, you would expect people to feel more obliged to buy more of your products in the future. Packaging alone doesn't sell a product, but it certainly helps. Who doesn't love getting those sweet red and black Spyderco boxes? It just makes it feel like you're getting a great product from a company that really cares. It doesn't matter whether it's clam shell, boxes, pouches, etc. At least those companies put thought and effort into how their products are presented.

I never, ever, think that products should come in plastic ziploc bags. They look terrible and don't protect the product at all. One company that does this is Hinderer. They ship their Investigator pens in crappy ziploc bags, and that really pisses me off. For the high price you pay for that pen ($60), you should be getting some decent packaging. I bought a $10 pen that came in a nice box. How difficult would it be for Hinderer to do the same thing? I don't respect them as a brand because of that packaging choice. I know it ultimately shouldn't mean that much, since the product is what really matters. Hinderer is a highly esteemed brand though, so they should do something special for their packaging.

When you buy something, it isn't just about the product. There are different factors involved that impact you, the buyer. Some of these factors include customer service, presentation, ethics, etc. I try not to support companies if they've got shady stuff going on. A company has to be the whole package. You can't overlook some awful business practices just because a product is good. This is kind of an unrelated ramble, so maybe I'll make a more in-depth blog post about it later.

Back to the packaging issue, I wish all companies used nice packaging. While it seems like a small, insignificant part of getting new gear, it really can make the difference between a good or bad company. Thanks for looking! How important do you all think packaging is?

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