Wednesday, November 4, 2015

November 2015 Updates

I'm not that happy with how little I've been posting lately. Sure I've been busy, but I'm a firm believer that you can always make time for something if you really enjoy it. Honestly, I just haven't felt like doing any knife stuff lately. I've been doing YouTube for a while now, and every so often I get into these funks where I don't really feel like posting anything. I miss talking to all the cool people I've met, so it's really time I kill this funk I'm in.

I think my lack of motivation also has to do with the unrealistic goals I set for myself. For example, I've been wanting to review every single piece of gear in my collection for a few months now. My initial goal was to get it all reviewed before the end of the summer. That turned out to be impossible, so I just kept pushing it back a month and here we are now. I don't think I've completed a single one of the reviews. There were so many reviews to do that it was almost overwhelming. I would still like to review all my gear, but I need to be more realistic with when I get those reviews posted. Now my goal for this month is to get one really good review up. I should have the time, plus this post is kind of a little pep talk for myself. I don't want to rush any reviews, so just focusing on one should help a lot. I'm thinking I'll either review the Spyderco Endura or the Cold Steel Mini AK-47. I can always post more than the one, but I'd rather meet a low goal then miss a high goal if that makes any sense.

Other than that, I'm also going to try to get more posts up on here. I've had a huge list of ideas to talk about, but I haven't been motivated to write any of them up. That's pretty much it for my updates this month. It's crazy to think that it's almost 2016. Thank you all for all of your support! I will be getting up some more videos and posts soon. Thanks for looking!

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