Saturday, November 7, 2015

Things I Hate About Instagram

I really enjoy Instagram, but like all things, it's not perfect. There's a lot of things about it that annoy me. I'd like to talk about a few of the things that I hate about Instagram. Of course, all these are just my opinions. I am in no way trying to offend anybody.

First off, those annoying repost giveaways are quite popular. Sometimes my feed is just picture upon picture of those stupid giveaways. The likelihood of winning these giveaways is quite low, so it seems kind of pointless to enter them. There's nothing more to them than posting whatever picture the giveaway requires, which makes them quite easy to enter. I would prefer if giveaways required unique pictures instead. I find reposts just really annoying in general.

Obviously the whole follow-for-follow or like-for like-thing is annoying. People are so desperate for followers and likes. It honestly makes no difference what number of supporters you have. Also, never like your own pictures. It's a given. There's no point to it at all.

I've always noticed that people overuse hashtags. Some people's captions with hashtags will be longer than the photo itself. That's pathetic if you ask me. I get using a few, but there's definitely a limit.

People also like to post pictures of their bloody fingers. I'm not squeamish when it comes to blood, but again, it's just kind of pathetic. Who cares if you cut yourself? I certainly don't. Put a band-aid on it and move on. You don't need to share every aspect of your life on social media. That reminds me. I don't need to see pictures of you sitting on the toilet either. It's common sense. We're all into the same hobby, just post photos of gear or something.

Instagram is a great place to sell stuff. This leads people to attempt to sell their stuff for extremely high prices. If you bought something and used it, it's not going to be worth what you originally paid. Sell it for a reasonable price, and it will sell quickly. Trust me. If your stuff doesn't sell, you don't need to repost your sale post a hundred times without any kind of price drop.

Last one, because this post is getting kind of long and rambly. I hate people that post like 5 or more photos in a row. I don't need you spamming the crap out of my feed. At least wait a good amount of time before you post multiple photos in the same day. I don't need to see every angle of some knife you got.

Don't take too much of this post to heart. I get annoyed really easily, and I thought it was time someone talked about the obnoxious things that people do on Instagram. If you do any of these things, maybe consider stopping. It would make our knife community on IG a much better place. Thanks for looking! Again, I in no way meant to offend anybody.

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