Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Update On The Search For My First Gun

Hey everybody! I don't have much to update you all about my first gun purchase, but I think I have a better idea of which one I'm leaning towards getting. I got a lot of great advice on the video I posted, so thanks to everyone who offered suggestions and advice!

As of now, I'm leaning towards doing an AR-15 build. At first I said I was leaning towards a shotgun, but a lot of people brought up the point of lots of recoil with them and that they weren't as fun to shoot. I do want my first gun to be fun to shoot, so I think the AR-15 would be best for that purpose. A gun is a gun, so I think people would generally be scared of any gun that was pointed at them. For my main purpose of home defense, I think an AR-15 would be perfectly adequate.

I'm also interested in building an AR-15 since it's incredibly customized to what I want/need. I love putting things together, so it should be a fun process overall. You can definitely expect to see videos once I get some parts in. I still need to do more research, handle some guns, and take a few classes, but I'm pretty positive this is the route I'll be going. I'm very excited to see how it all turns out! Stay tuned! Thanks for looking!

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't just thinking pointing a gun at someone would scare them you have to be ready to use it.
