Saturday, March 17, 2018

My Hiking Day Pack

Hiking is another one of my hobbies. I don't think I've ever talked about what I keep in my pack for day hikes. I try to keep it pretty light, so you won't see too much in here. This is kind of the base contents that never change. I have additional things I add right before the hike depending on where it is, the season, the expected weather, etc. I do need to add a few more survivalish type things for those worst case scenarios.

The bag I use for hiking is the Camelbak Day Star. I've had this for years, so Camelbak has probably updated it since. I've loved using it! It's lightweight and small but is still capable of carrying everything I need it to. I hate weighing down my bag, especially when you go on those longer hikes, so having a bag on the smaller side helps. This version is meant for women, and it's probably one of the more comfortable bags I've ever used. I highly recommend any Camelbak bags for hiking. I usually bring two bottles of water as well.

In the main compartment, I have my Eno hammock, the straps for it, and a basic first aid kit. I don't necessarily use the hammock when I go hiking. I mostly didn't have anywhere else to store it, so it found a permanent space in my bag. It doesn't weigh much at all, and it's always super fun to chill in. There's always an abundance of trees in my area too, so I never have to worry about finding somewhere to set it up. I've had it for years, and it has served me well. I guess I could also use it for shelter in an emergency situation if I had to. The first aid kit is just a cheap one I got off Amazon. It has a lot of band-aids and various things of gauze, which are really the only things I ever use. I'm thinking I might break it down and put it in a different bag/pouch to save some space. I'm not 100% sure on that yet. In this compartment, I'll also normally throw in my camera, a few snacks, a lighter jacket, an extra pair of socks, etc. I think that's basically it. The main compartment is the dumping ground for whatever bigger odds and ends I think I'll need that day.

For the front pocket, this is where I'll store all of my smaller pieces of gear. I've got a bandana, some duct tape, a whistle, Rite in the Rain notepad, a knock-off Sharpie, Coast G10 flashlight, an Ontario Rat 1, and a Victorinox multitool that I don't know the name of. These all stay in the bag as backups to my typical EDC. I usually bring my EDC pouch with me on hikes, as well as an Esee Izula. I'd like to eventually upgrade the flashlight to something nicer with a clip. I used to have a lighter in the bag, but I'm guessing I took it out and never put it back. That's something I'd like to add along with some water purification tablets and a little bit of paracord. 

The loadout is nothing crazy by any means, but it works. I definitely could be more prepared, so that's something I'll be working on before spring begins. If there's anything you've found to be useful during your hikes, feel free to give me suggestions for my own pack. Thanks for looking!