Saturday, March 3, 2018

What I Watched: February 2018

I watch a fair bit of TV and movies. I do monthly reading wrap-ups, so I figured I'd try my hand at doing those for TV shows, movies, and YouTube videos I watch. I'll mostly focus on shows and movies, as I really don't watch many YouTube videos these days. I'll do these around the end of every month and put together some of my thoughts on various things I've watched. I have a pretty broad taste when it comes to shows/movies, so you'll probably hear about all sorts of random things. I love keeping track of my reading, and why not extend that to other things I love to do. One thing I'm going to try to avoid with these posts is to give spoilers. I hate when the main twist of shows are ruined for me, so I probably won't talk too much about specific plot details.

I'm currently making my way through a couple of different TV shows. I started Boy Meets World in 2017 I think, and I've made it about halfway through season 4 so far. If you've never heard of it, it basically follows the life of a few young kids as they go through middle to high school and beyond. I really enjoy seeing the progression of all the characters. Corey and Topanga's relationship is my favorite, but there's a surprisingly good amount of smaller characters that are funny and cool. I love most shows that have 22 minute episodes, since the plot moves pretty fast and you can make your way through the seasons quickly. I just finished The Good Place and liked it a lot. It's picking up a lot of steam lately, and I can see why. The plot is very interesting and different than anything I've watched before. I didn't know much going into, besides the ending which was spoiled by my roommate. The cast is diverse and not actors I've heard of before. Again, these episodes are short, so you can knock them out very quickly. They seemed much shorter than that, as there's not a lot of worthless filler content in each one. I just found out that the second season recently ended, so I need to try to watch that soon. I normally only try to watch shows that aren't airing anymore, because I normally can't keep up with them during the season. I believe I'm also four episodes into Narcos, but I haven't watched any of it in a little bit. It's all about Pablo Escobar and the Colombian cocaine cartel. It follows some DEA agents and their struggle to take Escobar down. It's not my favorite show in the world, but it is interesting. The episodes are 45 minutes to an hour long, so I'm not always motivated to watch them. I usually have two shows going at a time, one with 22 minute episodes and the other that's 45 minutes or longer. I like to switch between them if I need a change of pace or don't have time for something long. 

Movie wise, I've watched a decent number recently. I saw Wonder Woman and thought it was okay. I loved seeing a badass woman beat a bunch of dudes up. It was kinda long, and the love interest annoyed me. I didn't know much about her as a character, so I do think the movie gave a good background of who she is. A surprising new favorite is Mother's Day. It's kind of a stupid movie, but I was so invested in all of the different character's lives. It follows a ton of different women and a couple dudes as they go through struggles with their mothers or being mothers themselves. I thought it was hilarious, and it has a lot of big name actresses in it. I also saw Now You See Me and Now You See Me 2. They're a cool combination of magic/trickery mixed with a heist film. They could get very convoluted, especially the second one. I did like the cast and all the tricks. I think I liked the first one more. There were a few movies that weren't amazing but had their moments. Those were Frankenweenie, Gnomeo and Juliet, and The 5th Wave. I'm a sucker for animated movies, so Frankenweenie and Gnomeo and Juliet were both up my alley. They were cute, but Gnomeo and Juliet was definitely more entertaining. My spring break just started, so I'll probably be able to finish some more this week. I hope you enjoyed this post and look forward to more this year! I had a lot of fun writing it. Thanks for looking!

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