Saturday, March 10, 2018

Spring Break Update Post!

Hey everybody! Unfortunately, this post is mostly going up so I don't break my twice a week blog post streak. I didn't have the time to finish any of the other posts I've been working on, hence these quick updates for today.  I just finished my spring break, so I was mostly relaxing and spending time with my family while I had the chance. I figured I'd at least try to make reading this worth your while by throwing out a few updates and some video/blog post plans.

First off, video wise, I've got so many weeks worth of videos filmed. I believe I've got about ten videos that I still need to upload. Those range from my favorite PS4 games, my college gaming setup, the Mecarmy SGN5 thoughts, a Nitecore Tube vs. TIP vs. TINI comparison, etc. I'm very excited about all of them, so you won't have to worry about a lull in video posting. My channel also got demonetized thanks to YouTube's new Partner program rules. I hadn't made much yet, but it still kinda bums me out. I wasn't worried because I had the minimum subscriber requirement, though I apparently didn't have enough watch time. Oh well, YouT'ube's going downhill very quickly. It's too bad I don't have anywhere else good to post my videos. I still do have my Amazon Affiliate links going, so maybe I'll work harder on getting those to be more productive.

Gear wise, I don't see myself buying anything new for awhile. I think I've mentioned that in my previous posts. I am planning on having a sale once I finish reviewing all of my gear. I don't necessarily want to sell some of the things I've got, but honestly they're not getting enough use to justify me keeping them. I'm not sure if there's any interest in this either, but I may also be selling some of my old camera equipment, like a basic DSLR lens and my GoPro possibly. The sale video probably won't be until the summer, since I'll have a lot more free time to deal with it all then.

Blog post wise, I've got three posts in the work right now that I need to take some photos for. One is about my hiking day pack, and I'll keep the other two a surprise. I believe the next piece of gear I'll focus on reviewing is the Ontario Rat 2. I feel like a lot of my reviews lately have been on average or disappointing things, so I'd like to do one where I have nothing but good things to say. After the Rat 2, I'll probably try to finish up all my flashlights. If there's any other blog posts or even videos you want to see, just let me know. I might do a collection update either before or after I have that sale.

One fun thing I did this break was go on a five mile hike. The weather was finally nice enough in my area to make that happen. It was a blast, and something I hope to do way more in the coming months. I'm hoping to get more into hiking and camping this year. That's one reason I want to have the sale. I'd like to get some basic backpacking equipment and do some overnight backpacking trips. I still love talking about EDC, but it would be nice to have another hobby I can discuss. We'll see if any of that ends up happening.

Anyways, I think that's enough updates for now. Stay tuned for more fun videos and blog posts! Thanks for looking!

1 comment:

  1. Hey K.G.A.,

    Thanks for the update, and if you want to cover something other than EDC items all the time, that's cool by me. Some of the more interesting people take a break from the same ol', same ol' and give us a different aspect in to their lives.

    On of my favorite AM talk shows was G.Gorden Liddy, of "Watergate" fame. He was a Korean War vet, FBI agent, former Duchess Co. NY prosecutor, actor, writer, radio personality, and ......bumbling burger for President Nixon.

    The mans show was centered on right leaning politics, BUT unlike others the man loved to talk about cars, author interviews and reviews of their books, "Ask Liddy", etc. I really liked that it WASN'T wall to wall politics for all three hours.........

    So I'd love to see your camping gear thoughts and adventures, and other things you feel like blogging or putting a video up on.

    Keep going at it....
