Saturday, March 31, 2018

What I Read: March 2018

Hey everybody! Sorry for missing a few posts on here and a video on YouTube this past week. The semester is picking up, and I haven't felt like getting any posts/videos I'm working on finalized and uploaded. I might be taking a brief break from YouTube, but I should have posts up on here still. Anyways, back to the point of this post. It's that time to wrap-up what I read in March. I'm still reading mostly disappointing things which kind of blows. I read 9 this month, and my total for the year is now 60.

The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead (1/5 stars)
The idea behind the plot was interesting where the underground railroad is actually a railroad. This book was awful. I kept waiting for it to get better, but it never did. I wish the book was written as more of a first-person look at the main character. I didn't feel particularly invested in any of the characters, which is a huge issue for me as a reader. If I had cared about any of the characters, I might have enjoyed it more. There were also lots of small characters and digressions that I didn't think were important. I absolutely do not recommend it. It was excruciating to get through.

What Happened by Hilary Clinton (3/5 stars)
I enjoyed this but didn't really love it. I thought she rambled for too long in places about things that weren't that relevant. I do recommend it, as it's a good look into the most embarrassing and disappointing elections in U.S. history in my opinion.

Quiet by Susan Cain (3/5 stars)
This one was all about introversion and how quiet people are perceived in today's society. I learned some things, but again, I think the author was rambling too long in certain sections. As the book went on, I found myself to be less and less interested. I probably wouldn't recommend it.

How to Be a Bawse by Lilly Singh (3/5 stars)
I feel kind of mixed on this one, and probably should've rated it lower. This is a book by a bigger YouTuber who I've watched a little bit. I heard this was an inspiring book all about hustling, working hard, improving yourself, etc. I thought the writing was almost too childish, and it just didn't click with me. I admire Lilly's hard work, but I don't think the tips were that helpful. There were nice photos throughout, and all the chapters were pretty short. I enjoyed her stories about famous celebrities she's gotten to interact with most, like Dwayne Johnson and Selena Gomez. I probably wouldn't recommend this one either.

The others I read that I won't go into that much are The Restless Sleep by Stacy Horn (2/5), Hillbilly Elegy by J.D. Vance (3/5), The Girl Who Takes An Eye For An Eye by David Lagercrantz (2/5), Curious Minds by Janet Evanovich (2/5), and The Innovators by Walter Isaacson (2/5).

I still haven't found many good books this year. I'm reading things that I've wanted to read or ones that are highly acclaimed, so I'm surprised I'm not enjoying much. They're just not clicking with me for some reason. I'm going to start reading a ton of physical books I own in April, so maybe those will be things I enjoy more. I also have been making my way through It by Stephen King this month after I got about 100 pages into it last year. I think King is way too wordy, and I'm not a fan of all the racist slurs and violence against women. It's gotten better, but it hasn't wowed me like I thought it would. Hopefully I'll finish that soon, as I'm probably about 65% done with it at the moment. That's all for now. Thanks for looking!


  1. Yeah, I've had books like that, makes me wish for my time and money back...... :/

    1. Yep for sure! I'm so stubborn too that if I start a book I usually always force myself to finish it even if I hate it. Thanks for your comment Drew!

  2. Oh no :-(...break from Youtube :(((((....dont like the sound of that,understand that you are busy though ofc..but will miss you!

    1. I know it sucks. It should only be for a few weeks luckily. The semester is almost over, so I should have a lot more free time once the summer is here. Thanks for the support!
