Monday, April 30, 2018

What I Watched: April 2018

Hey everybody! I watched a lot of cool things in April. I finished a few seasons of TV shows that I've been keeping up with and even watched some movies that I enjoyed more than I expected. I'm so close to finishing school, so that means I'll be able to catch up on a lot of shows/movies this summer.

Going with movies first, one of my favorites was Ride Along. I'm a sucker for cop comedies, and this one was great. Kevin Hart and Ice Cube are the cops, and they make a great pair. Kevin Hart's character was my favorite, because he was so hilarious. I also saw Baby Driver, which I knew nothing about. I actually really liked it. It basically just follows this getaway driver and all the heists he and his crews have to pull. There's tons of good music in it, and the driving scenes were awesome. I liked it way more than I thought I would. Another comedy I saw was Vacation. This one wasn't my favorite, but it did have some good moments in it. I didn't like the main family it followed. It was cool to see some cameos from popular comedians, like Kaitlin Olson and Charlie Day. There characters had such small roles, yet there parts were the most memorable to me. I wouldn't really recommend this one. After finishing reading It this month, I finally saw the movie. IT was okay, but it strayed a lot more from the book than I expected. It wasn't scary one bit considering it was an R rated movie. Pennywise the Clown was more funny than scary in my opinion. I think this one was greatly overhyped. Last but not least for movies, I watched Gone Girl. I read the book last year and absolutely loved it. I thought it was a little too long. It was a very well-done adaptation. I did end up enjoying it overall.

Now onto TV shows, my favorite show I watched this month was season 2 of The Good Place. The first season was already great, but this season was even better. I liked the direction it went in, and the cast is so great. If you haven't seen this show yet, you need to! It's fast paced, since there's only about 12 or 13 episodes 25ish minute episodes each season. I also finished seasons 2 and 3 of Girl Meets World, so I'm now finally done with that series. It was very stereotypical Disney stuff, but it was cute and funny to watch. All the characters were so weird. I wish it had focused on Cory and Topanga a bit more. It was cool to see all the cameos from original characters from Boy Meets World. I wasn't obsessed with it, though it was still a solid show overall. I also started watching a few new shows. I usually try to avoid starting shows that are still airing, but there are two new ones that I recently started. I'm one episode into AP Bio and Good Girls, which are both current shows on NBC. I found them when I was catching up on The Good Place and figured I could use some more comedic entertainment. Good Girls is much funnier, and I'm probably more excited to watch that one. Netflix has some great original shows out too. I'm a few episodes into season 2 of Jessica Jones. I'm interested to see where they take the plot. Not much has happened so far, but I do know that lots of people have enjoyed it. I also started a Netflix original called On My Block this past week. I like to watch a 20 or 30 minute episode of something when I eat my lunch on campus and found this one. It follows the lives of these LA teens starting high school. It seems kind of dumb so far, but there's only 10 episodes, so I might as well just stick with it. I'll probably prioritize finishing all these shows in May before I start any new ones. That's it for now. Thanks for looking!

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