Thursday, January 10, 2019

My Favorite Knife I Tried In 2018!

Happy 2019 everyone! I'd like to get back into posting on here and figured a good way to jump start that was to talk about a knife I love. I tried a lot of gear in 2018, but by far, the thing that stood out to me most was the CRKT Eros! It's one of the coolest knives I own and a great addition to my collection. There's not many new knives that get me excited anymore, so I'm glad I got my hands on this gem. I believe CRKT discontinued these (at least the small one) which is a real shame. There aren't enough tiny flippers on the market in my opinion. That's something I'd like to see more of this year.

I got this during the summer from a friend and instantly fell in love with it. You all know I love my small knives, so it was only natural the Eros would fit right in. It's slightly bigger than my other favorite small knife, the Spyderco Ladybug, with a blade around 2" long. I can fit a three-finger grip comfortably, but I'm sure you guys with bigger hands will only get a two-finger grip. I'm normally not a fan of metal handles, though these ones have grown on me. They can be a little slick when trying to flip the knife open. One other tiny complaint is the clip. I didn't get a photo of it for this post, but it doesn't look like a typical clip and is tip-down only. They aren't big enough issues for me considering how awesome the knife is as a whole.

The biggest appeal for me is the flipping action. It is one of my best flippers despite how small it is. It uses CRKT's infamous IKBS bearing system which makes it flip quickly and smoothly. I rarely have issues with half deployments like in other popular flippers I've tried (Kershaw Skyline and Steel Will Cutjack Mini for example). It's one of those knives that you could flip all day long. I wasn't expecting the action to be this good.

You can't beat the action, ergos, size, design, or usability of this knife. I absolutely love it and can easily say it's the top knife I tried in 2018. Hopefully I can find a few more gems in 2019. I'll be doing a recommended gear of 2018 post at some point of all the things that stood out to me over the course of the year. Sorry it'll be late, but better late than never. Also, stay tuned for a more in-depth review post and video on the Eros eventually. If you can manage to track one down, I'd definitely recommend it! Thanks for looking!

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